Arbiter Libera

2023 rolled around and so has the time for a new Report. This might be the only short game in the near future so it's a good pick-me-up to start the year with. Anyway, I hope you had a great time and this year ends up being even better. Enjoy the read and share thoughts on P&C adventure games that, despite pretty gloomy past when they were considered a dead genre, made a surprising comeback thanks to plenty of small developers.


Great review! Great read. Even if I’m personally offended that Hitler is portrayed as a cat. :(
I have no idea why these types of games can’t have response timers be optional. I’m sure it’s more realistic, immersive, and scary to have timers, but I personally don’t like them.

Arbiter Libera

Glad you liked. Timers tend to be there to keep you moving. I remember Alpha Protocol where you could NEVER go back in a dialog tree so it felt like a movie scene. Problem with me is you need to process dialog options, which was something AP got around by giving you the sentiment or stance which you were responding in rather than specific word-by-word option itself.