June’s Stats

aka. More scattered playing
Hello fellow assassins! June came to a close and with that, half of 2021 is already gone. I hope you all had a good month and stayed safe. I got quite some time for gaming and played a lot of different things this month, but again finished very little. But both games I finished were fantastic. I also played a lot of demos during the Steam Next festival, and added a lot of those games to my wishlist, that can’t be too good for the future of the backlog. Have you tried anything during the festival that really caught your interest? Or bought anything during the current steam sales?
Played | Finished | Completed | Backlog+ | Achievements |
14 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 63 |
ABC Challenge 2.0 Progress (3/27)
Finished this month: 0
Tag Challenge #1 Progress (2/12)
Finished this month: 0-
Cozy Grove
52 hours playtime
49 of 62 achievements
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
313 hours playtime
no achievements
Golf Story
5 hours playtime
no achievements
Hokko Life
4 hours playtime
no achievements
The Wild at Heart
21 hours playtime
29 of 29 achievements
Ring of Pain
4 hours playtime
no achievements
King of Seas
29 hours playtime
12 of 29 achievements
10 hours playtime
44 of 79 achievements
Slay the Spire
220 hours playtime
25 of 46 achievements
Wasteland 3
49 hours playtime
24 of 74 achievements
3 hours playtime
9 of 75 achievements
Mario Golf Super Rush
2 hours playtime
no achievements
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2
5 hours playtime
no achievements
Subnautica: Below Zero
35 hours playtime
13 of 13 achievements
One of my favourite game I've played this year. I had loved the demo last summer and the final game was everything I hoped and some more. Gameplay-wise it's using a mechanic similar to Pikmin (the protagonists are followed by a group of little creatures of different types that you have to use to solve different puzzles as you explore), but better in my opinion. The graphic style is absolutely adorable and very detailled, the story is nice. I had an overall great time and I strongly recommend it if the gameplay appeals to you. For those who have it, it's on the gamepass.
I had been waiting for a long time for this game to come out of EA, and I was really excited about it with how much I loved the original Subnautica. This game is both similar and quite different as it adds new game mecanics, a new story, a whole new environement and a new protagonist, which I really loved even more than the original one. Oh and of course, new nightmarish fauna, or it wouldn't be Subnautica. I had taken a few weeks break on it to play other things but went back to it a few days ago and dived right back in the addiction. Strongly recommend it to those who enjoyed the first game.
Not counting it as a beaten this month as I only finished the DLC and still need to finish the main campaign but I wanted to say a word about it. I loved going back to Wasteland 3, and recently they had a big patch that added crafting into the base game as well as some very convenient quality of life features. The DLC in itself mostly worked fine for me (I had a few bugs on my first game session but then all went smooth) but some people are reporting lots of bugs. Story wise, it was a nice contained storyline on a separate location. I played with a level 15-17 group which scaled pretty well, I don't know about people who already have completed the game going back for it though. Maybe wait for the second DLC to come out this summer and see what it's worth.

How does wasteland 3 compares to wasteland 2?

The general ambiance is different, but the global gameplay is the same. However I found WL 3 less tedious/more convenient in some ways. I’d say if you liked WL2 you’d like WL3 too since I felt they had improved on it. In case you wanna read my more complete thoughts about it, I wrote this review last year when it got out (yes shameless plug).

Oh I didn’t knew you were writing on here :D.
Sounds good then, I really liked WL2.

You should enjoy it too then. If you’re not in a rush maybe wait and see what the second DLC is like (they announced there would be only 2 DLCs and the second one will be out sometimes this summer). Maybe if it’s good a deal for the complete edition (base + expansion pass) will be better ? Already I feel like that first DLC is better played integrated to your playthrough.

Yeah I’ll probably wait for the winter sale then!

Have you tried anything during the festival that really caught your interest? Or bought anything during the current steam sales?
I tried a couple of demos. Instead of adding the games to my wishlist, I ended up unfollowing them. And yep, I bought 4 games during the sale, 2 of those being long-ish games, so the backlog is alive again. XD

Instead of adding the games to my wishlist, I ended up unfollowing them
That also happened, which is why I like those demo festivals.
What did you buy? (Yes i’m always curious)

- Root Letter Last Answer
- Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (Japan simulator because I don’t think I’ll be able to visit Japan this year. T_T)
- Saints Row The Third Remastered (So I can 100% the cheevos. I hated, and still hate, the co-op cheevos in the original.)
- Tiny Lands

Nice selection! Saints Row 3 is still my favourite in the overall series, I disliked the coop cheevos but i liked the game overall. Tiny Lands looks super adorable, let me know if you like it whenever you’ve played it (no rush)

Same. I enjoyed SR4 and GooH but I thought SR3 was the best. And sure, I’ll let you know if I like Tiny Lands. It looks like it’s one of the shorter ones so I’ll probably play it after SR3 and The Convenience Store.

I played a bit of Tiny Lands. I’m still early in the game but so far, so good. Not too easy that the differences can be seen immediately, and, for the most part, not too hard. The items with different colors, features, or orientations (where the object is facing) are pretty easy to spot, while the items with different sizes or positions can be a bit tricky. I checked the walkthrough because I couldn’t find the last item in one level and it took me a bit of time to figure out the difference. I seriously thought that my eyes are getting worse. It turned out that the difference wasn’t in the item itself, but in the position. XD

Thanks for the report, I’ll keep an eye on it next time it’s on sale, sounds nice for a relaxing break :3

I was gonna go crazy with this sale. I planned on buying the highest number of games I ever did in one sale. But after seeing some very disappointing discounts in addition to the price increases of some games (like They are Billions), I only ended up buying 4. I’m thinking about getting another specific game but I don’t think I can get 100% on it so I most likely won’t.

What did you buy? (and what game are you still considering?)
And yes the discounts are pretty meh in my wishlist so I’m not too tempted either. Also wtf price increase ? Because of the currency conversion rates or just in general they bumped up their base price ? o_O

I bought Resident Evil 6, 7 complete editions, Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition and The Room 4. The game I’m considering getting but won’t due to achievement problems is Resident Evil Revelations 2. If Resident Evil 3 Remake had a better discount I was gonna go for it but it’s still too high.
I also planned on getting They are Billions (price increase + only a silly 20% discount even though the game is close to being 3 years old), Alan Wake (just to 100% it on Steam but decided not to since I already finished it on Epic) and Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition (will wait for new dlcs to arrive, this is already an impossible to 100% game for me but I was gonna go for it anyway now I wanna wait a bit for future dlcs).
As for your last question, I don’t know the reason but I think it’s mostly a case of my currency having 0 value. Games like Praetorians remaster, Commandos 2 remaster and They are Billions got a little more than 100% price increase very recently. I’m sure there are a lot of other games but those were the ones I was keeping an eye on.

Nice selection! I wish I wasn’t a wuss that much to play the Resident Evil series myself, but I love watching them being played by others for the story. How are The Room games ? Are they just escape room type puzzles or do they have a story?
It really sucks that the prices have been bumped up for you as already you were mostly being screwed before that already :/ The discount on They are billions is kind of ridiculous for a game that age indeed. I’ve been following it since release I think and I don’t think it ever really had a good discount :/

The Room is an escape room game with nothing but puzzles and it does have a story. But I really don’t care about the story so I don’t know much about it. I play the game for the puzzles. 3 and 4 have multiple endings too. 3 even has achievements to get all endings, 4 doesn’t.
Resident Evil games aren’t scary at all in my opinion, you could definitely play them. If you ever get the ones that have multiplayer/coop achievements like 5,6 or/and Revelations let me know and I can help you with them.

Thanks for the description of the Room games :3
The problem I have Resident Evil games is not that much the horror but the jumpscares (Hence i have no problem watching them as a movie but playing them is a whole other thing). I have tried the very first one several time and have given up pretty early on every time, because of the jumpscares. But thanks for offering for the coop <3

As always my favourite report of the month : D. I am as well procrastinating a lot with Below zero after playing first day of 1.0, but too many things happened, especially work and my brother getting me a crazy deal for Xbox pass on pc (Playing The outer worlds atm). The wild at heart also interests me, do you think id really good then? I might get it sometime down the road.

Awww thank you <3
Enjoy your gamepass while it last, there is so much things to play on there (loved the outer worlds), Below Zero will still be there when you’re done. I actually did like you, played half way through at release and then took an almost month long break before going back into it.
I really loved The Wild at Heart, actually it’s on gamepass so if you have some time after you’re done with The Outer Worlds, you might wanna try it and see if you like the gameplay (or even finish it, it’s not too too long, in those 20h a few were for completion sake).

Thanks for the recommendation! The pass is for 36 months, so I think I’ll have time to play plenty :P

Ahahah! Welcome to my world of “there is that whole other backlog that keeps growing faster than I can play it”. But no kidding, I love it as I’ve tried games I loved that I would have passed on otherwise.

Congrats on your progress! How is Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 on Switch? I played 2 on PC years ago, 3 on GameCube last year and I just love the series. Is it a good version or is it better to wait for the PC version to be discounted (and hopefully released on Steam) ?

It’s not too bad, really. I hadn’t play THPS since the originals and underground on the very first Xbox, so it holds to what I was expecting. It is not Skate, but it scratched that itch I had. Technically the switch version plays quite well in handheld mode which is how I mostly play these days, and for what I tried it was not too bad in docked too. That being said, I watched this video to check out the performance (I assume it’s a lot prettier on PC but I saw no sign of it coming on steam). The main thing they said about low performance were about the split screen multiplayer, which i don’t care for but if you wanna play with your kids maybe you wanna check how much it would affect you.

Thanks a lot. I’ll add it to my “get second-hand if a great deal comes up” list :)

No problem :) You always seem to find good deals for second hand games, so that’s definitely worth looking for ;)

I mostly do but I really need to play the games I already have before adding more. Between the presents for my kids and deals I found, I’ve bought 23 physical Switch games in 7 months and have only “beaten” one! I should put a “Lengray’s Seal of Backlog Shame” sticker on the boxes…

Ahahaha! This might be getting out of hand and you should definitely make yourself a sheet of Lengray’s Seal of Backlog Shame stickers XD
What do you think of Hokko Life? It looks like I would enjoy it, but I’m not sure if I should get it.
For now i’d say “Meh, but keep an eye on it”. It’s in very Early Access and when I played I got a little bored very fast, the pacing wasn’t the best but I think it has some potential. The devs seem to be pushing patches every week so I have no doubt it might go somewhere, it has a cute animal crossing vibe with the villagers being animals and all that but I wouldn’t recommend it just yet.
I came to ask that same question about Hokko Life!
How are you enjoying Cozy Grove? That’s another game on my WL.
I LOVE Cozy Grove. Sure it’s not perfect, but it’s a really good Animal Crossing substitute (but different enough even in gameplay mecanics) on PC that I’ve been playing a lot less animal crossing and almost daily Cozy Grove. Visually, I love the style, so it’s a plus. It has that similar pacing that you can’t rush through the game (which will be a problem for some people) but have to play a bit every day (you can miss days, no big deal) to advance the story. I’ve been enjoying it as my small daily chill thing to do.
Oooooh that sounds really good! I’ll put it up higher on my WL haha.
I really need to get through to the end of Portia at least once before getting another similar game…
I ended up dropping Portia before finishing it. It’s not that similar in the sense that Cozy grove is more a “long run, a little every day” game.
If there’s a farming sim, one of us will be there. :P
I see! Thanks. I won’t buy it just yet!