#8 Progress report - August, September and October
After long break - I have time to post here. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve changed job and relocated around 650 km. Preparations used most of my free time, being a new hire also didn’t help my gaming time after moving in. So, here’s a little recap of previous months.
Super Meat Boy
14 hours playtime
14 of 48 achievements
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
19 hours playtime
38 of 50 achievements
18 hours playtime
23 of 54 achievements
Super Meat Boy - I’ve left it on the last boss, because I’ve spend like 3h on it without success few months ago. And this time I’ve beaten him in 3rd try, marking the game as beaten. Maybe I’ll return to it, but not in a short time.
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope is the same situation as with SMB, I’ve failed to complete the boss rush near the end few times. Bought this game on GOG and played it on my old laptop, which means very occasionally. Probably won’t go for 100% of feats. Loved this game thou.
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! is a small game, which length was enhanced by forcing you to do very repetitive stuff – grinding levels of heroes and number of created weapons. By far the worst game of those in this report.
DOOM I love it, and will play the MP soon, till getting bored :D Campaign is fast, brutal, engaging and pure fun. Price of it is dropping very fast, every mature player should beat this game :D
Rise of the Tomb Raider
17 hours playtime
27 of 143 achievements
Syberia 2
6 hours playtime
no achievements
3 hours playtime
28 of 30 achievements
Lords Of The Fallen
16 hours playtime
29 of 56 achievements
Just Cause
14 hours playtime
no achievements
Rise of the Tomb Raider is a decent game. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s the same as his direct predecessor, although adding more sandbox things didn’t make it better. Story is worse than before, didn’t enjoy it as I should. I’ve loved the first one – but this got me bored in the end.
Syberia II comes directly after the first one, the story is still great, puzzles aren’t complicated, I strongly recommend it because it’s a great game, and many times it was given away for free.
DROPSY is a story about helping other people and hugging them. I was afraid to start this one after watching short part of this game. Some puzzles were hard to figure out, but still it was a short game. The story is really enjoyable and kept me pushing forward. Missing achievement for visiting all places in the game (which I’ve surely did) made me drop the achievement for going in squeak shoes. If you have it, play it.
Lords of the Fallenwas an easy game, takes from Soul series fighting scheme and development of character. Story was nice to watch, bosses were fun, overall good game.
Just Cause it’s a decent game. Everything from it was improved in 2nd entry, which is the best. Story is cheesy, and the game is easy (:D), with an except for the last mission, which is much harder. Play the JC2 instead.
Kingdom Rush Frontiers was my ongoing android game. Done 100% of it, will recommend it to everyone.
9 hours playtime
16 of 28 achievements
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
14 hours playtime
23 of 59 achievements
Cuphead is a great game. Bosses are fun and different, but not hard on normal. Run’n’Gun sections were the bullshit for me, spend at least half of my playtime in them. Going for expert mode – at least on bosses.
Sleeping Dogs is a great, enjoyable game. After GTA and Saints Row series it’s a refreshment, settling in between those schemes and atmospheres. One of the best games that I’ve played this year.
The Witcher 3: GOTY after one year I’ve returned to this one. On NG+. On Death March difficulty. Finishing all gwent decks, sidequests and hunts. Discovering all ? on map. In 60h. Total playtime – 170h. Game of the decade for sure.
Happy assassinations guys!

Thanks :D
Maybe the sheer number of games is nice - but consider that only 2 of them were fully played during this months (Cuphead and Sleeping Dogs), rest of them was done in around 75-90%.
Still an impressive list of beaten games in my opinion. Makes me want to try Sleeping Dogs, I’ve heard only good things about it.
Hope you settled in well in your new home and job :)