
I’ll keep spamming, I started on this months theme and already got 100% in two games from my backlog.

Collisions was a cute, little puzzle game, that kept me entertained and occupied for a little while. It was also a SG WIN so that's extra nice to complete.

HOOK is also a short puzzle game, or rather, press-the-buttons-in-the-correct-order-game. Satisfying to complete...


3 hours playtime

1 of 1 achievements


7 hours playtime

15 of 15 achievements

.. Next game from theme will be FEZ


Oh, if I may offer assistance with what I think you were trying to do … the element with pull-right has to come before the stuff left of it. For example:

a) Text above
<div class="pull-right">something right of b)</div>
b) Text left

a) Text above

something right of b)

b) Text left


On a side note, what is the difference between class=”pull-right” and style=”float:right”? I’ve been using the latter in my posts.


No real difference. Avoiding inline styles is generally a good habit, but for these posts it doesn’t really matter. I always used pull-right without even thinking about it.


Thx! didn’t want to use too much inline css ^^