February End Report
Bought this gem recently, it’s a cool looking fast fighting game that feels a lot like watching an episode of Saint Seiye (with the exeption that fights are lightning fast). The mechanics are quite simple and it’s not possible to do a lot of comboing/juggling and all that, but to pass time it’s a cool game and real fun to beat up your friends using whatever’s your favourite Saint (Ikki rules!!!)
Okay, after finishing Scanner Sombre, I decided to boot up the PS3 i bought a few months ago and used to play mainly fighting games, and start playing the other games i have for it.
This “game” is non-sensical and sometimes feels more like watching an anime show, than actually playing a game. It’s basically a movie with QTEs and some fighting or shooting sections in wich you control Asura, an demigod that was betrayed by his demigod buddies but came back for revenge and kills them all. You’ll punch Giant Space Fingers, get skewered by a sword long enough to cleave the moon and go through the earth all the way to the other side, and even destroy the planet’s will to satiate your warth. Fun-ish and quite short, it’s not a bad game and the sound and visuals are gorgeous… i’d recommend it.
Finally I started playing this game, the story so far is good, doesn’t seem to be as awesome as i’ve read it to be, but it’s not bad. In fact something that bugged me a lot is that i’ve read a lot about ellie’s “weakness and being defenseless” but on the first scene that you have trouble (when you’re stopped by the cops, she just mercilesly stab the cop in the leg. Granted, she is in danger of being killed but she doesn’t seem defensless at all… I just reached the section where they go outside, so this is not a final review, so i’ll write a new one when i’m done with it.
Cheers and Happy Hunting on March!!

Yeah, not only is Ellie not weak, but there will be lots of moments that completely validate the opposite. I’d tell you more, but it would be spoiler-ey.

The real ending can be played by getting an S rank on all 18 chapters… Didn’t get the dlc… I’ve had enough as it is
All three games I have to play at some point, but goddamn I can’t track down Asura’s Wrath. Did you get the DLC for it? That’s supposedly the real ending.