It just keeps coming!!!
Okay, I know i said the last one, was the last of this year, but i’ve been able to really sit down and kick som backlog butt!
I finished the following games today:
7 hours playtime
8 of 8 achievements
Strong Bad Episode 4: Dangeresque 3
2 hours playtime
no achievements
Strong Bad Episode 5: 8-Bit Is Enough
54 minutes playtime
no achievements
4 hours playtime
no achievements
I completed the Strong Bad series of games… I got to say i enjoyed them but they are no The Walking Dead or The Last of Us, Telltale did a good job making this games.
Regarding RONIN, I came in with different expectations, i thought it was a stealth game, when in fact it’s more akin to Kill Bill, you’re the gal on the bike with the katana, that goes about killing EVERYONE around… The turn based combat works awesomely with the genre. Really loved this game…
I saw Antichamber around, and decided to give it another try and finish it… I’m counting it as beaten because i got all weapons and cleared the game, but I didn’t get all the secrets blocks and stuff… but i can’t take this game any longer… First it seemed cool, but most of the puzzles are weird and the game is just not fun (this coming from a guy that loves Portal and all the other FP Puzzlers)…
Also, I just finished Titanfall 2 on Origin. That game is AWESOME as a single player experience (great story, level design, action and gameplay), sadly, the MP is kind of dead, with all the other MP games around… But i totally recommend it, get it on sale, support a nice studio (that decided “No Paid DLC”) and enjoy a great shooter game!
Heheh, I mistook Ronin for a stealth game too and it seems we aren’t alone. Seems quite a lot of people expected it to be stealth :D
I enjoyed the game, though some elements would deserve better execution I think.
Definitively. My main gripe with the game is the save points (there’s no consistency), and since the game is basically trial and error, until you find out how to do it without raising the alarm, getting killed gets frustrating when a bad checkpoint makes you traverse a whole part of the map or go through a fight you already cleared… the boss fight is the worst offender, since there’s no checkpoints on it… I found it really hard to get through the last fight before the boss room, but most of the level I cleared really fast because i repeated everything over and over… i got to say, pushing the same guy through a window like 40-50 times, get’s boring…
Yes, the last level was everything wrong with the game in a nutshell! It also drove me crazy how enemies were shooting you from offscreen, from a different god-damned room :D
Yeah, they are so far away, and sometimes with angles that leave no room for you to jump toward… But there’s a gem in the rough in all that code…