Dear Diary,
What? You were expecting another update on Ori? Too bad. Today I will be talking about DmC Devil May Cry.
I had completely forgotten about this game and how much fun it was. I told the person I was family sharing with about this game being good and they basically played it every available moment for a week straight. So I decided to revisit this game.
I originally stopped playing the game because I had hit a road block. The remainder of the achievements I had left required replaying the game on 4 completely different difficulty levels. The campaign itself was pretty long so I wasn’t really up for replaying the whole game again just for a single achievement.
Fortunately, I was convinced to make an impulse purchase of the Virgil’s Downfall DLC from the Steam Store for a mere 2 dollars during the Winter Sale! I probably should have bought it back when it was in a bundle, but bygones. The DLC contains 6 new missions, but seeing as how my first playthrough of all the missions took about 3 hours, it was definitely worth every penny.
I’m pretty glad that it was only 6 missions, because it was short enough to a point where I went for the achievement for completing All Missions on Nephilim Difficulty with an SSS Rank. Surprisingly, it wasn’t really that hard. I made a ton of mistakes, but I still managed to pull off an SSS Rank on some levels even though I didn’t attain an SSS ranking in each category.
Only 6 missions, so then I thought, why not go for the achievements of completing the DLC on all of its difficulty levels?
Here are my thoughts on all the difficulties:
Human Difficulty and Devil Difficulty - I skipped these so I can’t provide any opinion here.
Nephilim Difficulty, in other words “Hard Mode” - I really enjoyed my first playthrough. Then again, I’m a sucker for Hack n’ Slashes and collecting upgrades. I didn’t find the game to be too hard either, the boss gave me a bit of trouble though. Took me a while to get used to his attack patterns. It was pretty easy when I played through it the second time for the SSS ranking, though that was because it was a new game plus and my upgrades and items carried over.
Son of Sparda Difficulty - You have to play through this mode where the enemies are replaced with harder ones. There were a few moments that gave me a bit of trouble, but it wasn’t extremely difficult. The boss level was pretty much the same as Nephilim difficulty, so it wasn’t all that difficult to complete.
Virgil Must Die! Difficulty - Waves of enemies in this mode are replaced with “insane opponents”. I’m putting this in quotes because that’s what the game said, but I haven’t actually played through this difficulty yet, so I have no idea how hard it will be.
Heaven or Hell Difficulty - Play through Son of Sparda difficulty with a twist. Everything will kill you in one hit, but everything dies in one hit. I was really excited to play this difficulty at first, because I wouldn’t be able to tank multiple hits. Turns out this mode is actually really boring, since you have a ranged skill you can just spam to kill everything. The only challenge in this mode is navigating through the environment without falling.
Most of my deaths were unfortunately due to a bug. Sometimes, the Angel Boost didn’t really register immediately after jumping, so that lead to me falling off the map a bunch. You’re given three free resurrects though, and even if you die, you can just start over at the latest checkpoint. This difficulty would have been a little more interesting if they had removed your ability to use ranged weapons in battle.
Hell or Hell Difficulty - Play through Son of Sparda difficulty, but all enemies have regular health and you will die in one hit. One small tweak from Heaven or Hell difficulty, but it makes the game a whole lot harder. You still get the three free resurrects and can start over at the latest checkpoint, so as long as you complete a battle without getting hit four times, you’re good to go. However, if you’re clumsy like me and get hit a lot, then this difficulty can be frustratingly difficult. I’m currently only halfway through this difficulty, and I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to complete the boss level without getting hit four times. It’s also super buggy too - if you fall off the environment and get hit, you end up resurrecting “off the map”, and you get stuck. The only way out of it is to force a game over and start from the latest checkpoint. Good thing the achievement only requires completion of this difficulty and not SSS ranking it. That would be nuts.
Still not sure if I will tackle the achievements for the base game, we’ll see if I’m all hacked and slashed out after completing the Virgil DLC.
Yours Truly,
I did the same as you and bought Virgil’s Downfall during Winter Sale… but mostly because it is required to 100% the game, what I have plans to do soon. DMC was, back in the day, an amazing and indeed really fun game. Some people just hated it only because of Dante’s style, but meh, wasn’t a big deal in my case.
Thanks for share all your thoughts about every difficulty… I was preparing myself for a challenge and now I know what to expect :D I really disliked what they did about difficulty achievements… I would be ok to play in the highest one and get all the others, but man, 6 times is just a lot in my opinion D: even so, I’m going to complete the game, no matter what \o
I kinda totally forgot the story, so it would be like if was playing it for the first time, so, do you recommend to play the base game first and then DLC, or their story are completely separeted?
I went straight into the DLC without playing the base game. The events of the DLC happen after the base game, but the only thing you need to know for this DLC is what happened in the final fight of the base game. If you remember what happens there, then you should be good to go.
Thanks for let me know… well, I’ll play the base game first then because I really have no idea what happened in the final fight :p - Played the game just once as soon it was released.