Ignatius Vulcan

Second themed game 100% completed!


    6 hours playtime

    13 of 13 achievements

I was surprised I could pull this off in less time than I thought! It only took me 2 days to 100%!

The chapters are pretty short, but they are as well very punishing if you don’t know what you are doing.

What am I telling you this? Because you have to complete the game with EQUAL OR LESS THAN 5 DEATHS!

It’s not impossible! You just need to remember what’s going to happen in the chapters, and not mess around! The faster you complete a chapter, the faster you’ll progress! :)

About the story, is a bit unclear… You are just a mysterious boy that walks with no destination… Where is the end of that destination? Play the game! IT’S FREE AS OF NOW! GET IT!

What do you require to beat the game 100%?

-Beat the game (any deaths)
-Beat the game (5 deaths or less)
-Collect the Secret Eggs.
-Complete the Secret Level.

Not much, right? :)

I’m sure you will complete it, but the second achievement probably will make you sweat like crazy, haha!

That’s all for today!

Thanks for reading! :)


Congratulations on your achievement. :-) Very well done.
I played Limbo years ago on PS3, and got all the trophies but the one to beat the game in one sitting with less than 5 deaths. That sounds brutal, lol, and I am terribly clumsy in games. I am pretty happy to have this in my Steam library now though after it being free yesterday. Maybe I’ll go after the majority of achievements again.


Downloading it right now, will try to get that 100% :D