December 2019
Another month of acquiring more games than I can play them. I took advantage of the sales a bit, and then I won a bunch of games on Reddit. One of the games is profile limited, so that's why the +1 on the table. 9 games in a month is a lot of games, imo. But we'll see. I'm excited to play all of them, so it's looking good!
Added | Beaten + Completed | Dropped | Overall | Backlog Total |
8+1 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 51 |
Steam Library: November 2019
Steam Library: December 2019
Most Played Games:
Staxel | 41 hours |
Monster Prom | 6 hours |
AER Memories of Old | 5 hours |
Metrico+ | 5 hours |
Around the middle of the month, I kind of got in a gaming slump where none of my games seemed interesting--that's why I managed to beat only 3 games this month. I could've done much more, but most of the month was spent playing Staxel. Thanks to Jaded! I'm obsessed... as you can see from the playtime. :P

Probably I could've beaten more games if I didn't play Staxel obsessively, but here we are. I had 0 hours in the game before december. I'm looking forward to playing it more in January! Such a fun game, even though it has its bugs/problems.
I'm a bit stuck in She Remembered Caterpillars. Hoping to go back to it with a fresh set of eyes later. For now, it's halfway done. :P
I'm also looking forward to playing and hopefully beating Degrees of Separation in Jan. :)
I dropped a bunch of games this month. I just went through my unfinished/never played games and marked several "won't play", since I don't want to bother with games I won't enjoy. I might try them in the future, but not any time soon.

Only reason I'm dropping this one is that my current laptop won't play it properly. I want to play it, but it doesn't seem like I can any time soon. So for now and probably for another couple of years, it goes to the "wont play" pile. But I plan on eventually coming back to it.
Weirdly enough, the games I've acquired in December look like I was going for a color theme. I wasn't. But, here we are: mostly blue-purple games with a dash of red-pink, lol. And it's been a while since I had so many acquisitions!

Wait, Reddit has giveaway system?

There are several subreddits where people give their keys on GAs. Two of them are r/GiftofGames and r/steam_giveaway :)

Ah. Thanks, I had no idea.
I’m glad you have been enjoying Staxel! Disappointing about the bugs haha. It was so addicting when I played it earlier this year with a friend. Mods are pretty cool as well, although you have to be wary about some of the mods (like storage) just in case it glitches…and you lose everything that was stored on them (like I did haha). I should reinstall SRC’s as well.. I think I left it about 30-50% done…. That backlog colour scheme is looking great!
Btw, your posts are looking awesome :P
Yeah, bugs are pretty disappointing! Especially when I tried the multiplayer. But I can manage them in singleplayer–and yeah, it is addicting! As you can see, I’ve been playing it nonstop in December :P I don’t think I’ll be using the mods… or if I do, I’ll start a new game just to check them out. We’ll see…
SRC is unexpectedly hard imo. :P
Thank you!