
October’s Stats

aka. Where the sheep scared the Backlog away

Greetings, boils and ghouls… I hope you had a good Halloween if you celebrate it. I can’t believe it’s November already. This month has been an overall good progress in the fight against my backlog. I usually dedicate October to play horror themed games as I’m too much of a wuss to play those on a regular basis. I didn’t play has many of those as I had planned to as I got into a few challenges where the games picked for me were not horror themed, as well as I went back to play quite a few unfinished ones for the monthly theme. I have to say I enjoyed the rewind theme a lot, and managed to finish seven games I had previously started. I could have done better if it wasn’t for me (and HLTB) grossly underestimating the actual length of 2 of those games I picked back up. Still overall a success and I’m even considering making it a rule (or maybe for next year) to try and pick back up at least one abandoned game each month. How was October for you all? Did you join the monthly theme and if so did you enjoy picking back up games you had previously set aside?

NB: The assassination report was getting quite long this month so for the sake of everyone’s feed, I hid the tab away. Feel free to click on the said tab if you’re interested on reading about what I finished this month.

Played Finished Completed Backlog+ Achievements
23 20 9 12 312

Backlog of Doom

ABC Challenge Progress (10/26)

Finished this month: 4

58% never played
4% unfinished
12% beaten
27% completed

Most Satisfying Finish

Most Exciting Addition

  • Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered

    17 hours playtime

    39 of 60 achievements

  • Heat Signature

    4 hours playtime

    9 of 46 achievements

  • Braveland

    13 hours playtime

    21 of 21 achievements

  • Stories Untold

    2 hours playtime

    13 of 13 achievements

  • Elder Sign: Omens

    4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Finders

    11 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • A Druid's Duel

    25 hours playtime

    27 of 49 achievements

  • Between Me and The Night

    5 hours playtime

    18 of 18 achievements

  • Concrete Jungle

    19 hours playtime

    8 of 13 achievements

  • Goetia

    6 hours playtime

    16 of 16 achievements

  • Mushroom 11

    8 hours playtime

    11 of 35 achievements

  • Epistory - Typing Chronicles

    17 hours playtime

    42 of 55 achievements

  • Hand of Fate

    29 hours playtime

    20 of 53 achievements

  • Glass Masquerade

    4 hours playtime

    27 of 27 achievements

  • Sudoku Quest

    15 hours playtime

    25 of 35 achievements

  • Monster Slayers

    17 hours playtime

    5 of 22 achievements

  • Maize

    5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Heroic Dungeon

    5 hours playtime

    13 of 15 achievements

  • Poly Bridge

    5 hours playtime

    4 of 22 achievements

  • Tales from the Borderlands

    14 hours playtime

    35 of 35 achievements

  • Layers of Fear

    9 hours playtime

    23 of 27 achievements

  • Viridi

    3 hours playtime

    23 of 47 achievements

  • Eventide: Slavic Fable

    5 hours playtime

    25 of 25 achievements

Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered

17 hours playtime, 39 of 60 achievements

That was the first unfinished game I decided to go back to, and thanks to the lack of (or failing) cloud saving, I had to restart it from scratch. It was a nice brain exercise even if my brain has a big tendency to go to not only english words but mostly french and even sometimes spanish ones, which of course are invalid for the game. Overall it was nice if you're into word games, but the lack of any other languages support might scare you away depending on your level of english.


13 hours playtime, 21 of 21 achievements

So, Braveland was picked for me in a challenge and since it was a SG win I decided to go with this one first. It was an OK tactics game, but doesn't have a lot of depth. The graphics are cute, the basics are fine but the game is pretty linear and it wouldn't even have taken me that much time if I had not tried to get all the cheevos in one run (and wrongly thought I needed to save more money than I actually did, making my progress artificially hard because my team was underpowered). It is nice and I'll play the other game of the series that I have, but it didn't really fill my tactics need.

Stories Untold

2 hours playtime, 13 of 13 achievements

I had originally given away my copy of this game because well I'm not big into horror games, but then came across an opportunity to trade it in so I decided I'd play it during my spooktober plan. It was quite an interesting game. Not too spooky, interesting puzzles... but the ending kind of had me a bit disappointed. Overall a good and short experience that I would recommend.

Elder Sign: Omens

ABC 4 hours playtime, no achievements

I got my good dose of Lovecraftian horror in this adaptation of the board game of the same name. You lead a team of investigators who try to stop cultists from summoning whatever ancient god you pick at the beginning (see them as different scenarios) while the clock is as usual ticking towards your impending doom. Like the board game, the main problem is that it's based a lot on the RNG of the dice rolls, which at time can get frustrating. The adaptation is ok but I highly regret that you can't play online with friends (you can always use the game at home for local multiplayer by each taking turns as the different characters get their turns). Also you might want to get the mobile version vs the PC one, as the devs seem to have completely abandoned the PC version while the mobile users are getting all the expansion packs that exists for the physical board game.


ABC 11 hours playtime, no achievements

Next up in my ABC challenge was that casual little task assignment game. It was nice to play on the side while I was working, but don't expect too much. One "feature" of the game that got me incredibly mad is that every time you progress to the next level, you can pay to bring over each resource to the new camp BUT YOU LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY. It made no fucking sense whatsoever, even with the game storyline. When are you moving to a new place and decide "Hey, let's empty our bank account and make a bonfire out of the money!"?

Between Me and The Night

4 hours playtime, 18 of 18 achievements

This one was both on my spooktober list and picked for me in a challenge, so it was the perfect fit. I really loved the graphic style of the game and it was not too spooky, just an interesting point & click. It was pretty short so if you have it in your library, I'd recommend giving it a try. Only one achievement was a bit tricky for me to get (the one where you need to finish a plateform video game inside the game) but it's mostly because i'm bad at plateformers.

Concrete Jungle

19 hours playtime, 8 of 13 achievements

Another of the unfinished games I picked back up, Concrete Jungle is a really good puzzle game. It might look like a city builder but it's not that at all. Instead, you have to place blocks of buildings following a set of rules to reach a certain score on each line and expand your city to reach the set goal (or until you're blocked in infinite mode). Add to that some deck building to get the best combo of cards (each giving you a specific building to place) to reach your goal and you get a really interesting puzzle that can get more complex than it seems. Definitely a recommendation.


ABC 5 hours playtime, 16 of 16 achievements

Goetia was less spooky than I thought but quite interesting. You play a ghost in a desolate abandoned village who tries to put the story together of what happened to her family members after her passing. The whole game has a very eerie atmosphere but is not scary per se, just disturbing and creepy at times. Interesting experience.

Mushroom 11

8 hours playtime, 11 of 35 achievements

Mushroom 11 is an unusual plateformer where you control a blob of green slimy mushroom cells not directly but by "erasing" part of it and hoping it will regrow in the direction you need it to go. It's a pretty cool mechanism and was only frustrating at a very few specific sequences towards the end of the game (but nothing that got me blocked forever). I would say the perfect runs are a whole different level of skill that I don't have so I left that at beaten, but it was a nice game. The graphic style of the backgrounds was very interesting.

Epistory - Typing Chronicles

17 hours playtime, 42 of 55 achievements

Another "unfinished" I went back to, and I was surprisingly close to the end with only 2 dungeons left so it was a quick one (I think it took me just a few hours to finish, for sure it was in less than half a day). I have some achievements left that are mostly grind related, I might go back and finish them at some point.

A Druid's Duel

25 hours playtime, 27 of 49 achievements

I "went back" to this one but I had to start over as there was no cloud function so my save got lost during my last HDD crash. I really wanted to like this game, and I did at the beginning (hell, I even got it when it first got released to see it getting bundled after just 2 or 3 months...) but it went downhill pretty fast. The main flaw of this game is that instead of balancing their AI well, the devs chose to just give the computer controlled teams huge advantages (both in troops and in terrain occupation) at the start of each combat. It resulted in some very frustrating and unfair levels at time, while some others were just a boring grind once you had overpowered the AI. I also found the game to be unnecessary long while all the levels were more of the same, hence it got really boring and I felt finishing the main campaign was a grind. I didn't give a try to the multiplayer but I'm not even sure it still has active players.

Glass Masquerade

3 hours playtime, 27 of 27 achievements

A short but nice jigsaw game where you assemble glass art representing different countries. Not too challenging but it was nice to relax at night while watching horror movies.

Sudoku Quest

14 hours playtime, 25 of 35 achievements

I had that one unfinished from a few months ago so I went back at it. I'm not sure if I will ever play it enough to get the super grindy achievements that are left, but it's more or less than one of those books of sudoku grids you can buy, with a few "hints" mechanics if you want to use them.

Monster Slayers

17 hours playtime, 5 of 22 achievements

I was happy to win this one on SG as I had my eyes on it for a little while. It is nothing groundbreaking but I found the combination of rogue-lite dungeon crawler and card game combat to be quite entertaining and fun to play. I've beat the game but I'll probably be playing some more as there are different classes to unlock, and it's nice as a side game that doesn't require too much focus.


ABC 5 hours playtime, no achievements

Before playing this, I was under the false impression that this was an horror walking simulator/P&C. It actually turned out to be rather funny and not scary at all. The plot is completely bonkers and without saying too much about it, if you have a few hours to kill I recommend you give it a try.

Heroic Dungeon

5 hours playtime, 13 of 15 achievements

This game was such a disappointment. Not that it was bad, but it was just so easy that it was boring. It's a combo between a minesweeper dungeon crawler and link-4 combat system, but the lack of content is just baffling. The game has little to no difficulty (like you make ONE or two match on your grid and it's done) and only 7 levels. I was done in under 2 hours while multitasking. The 2 last cheevos are disproportionately grindy (the 3 additional hours were towards that and i'm not even halfway done, so i'm not sure i'll inflict more of it on myself.)

Hand of Fate

28 hours playtime, 20 of 53 achievements

There is a reason that game is my most satisfying finish of the month. It was one of the unfinished I picked back up. I remember I had stopped playing it because my graphic card was too weak for it, and it was making crazy artifacts plus a lot of lagging after a few minutes of game. Well I picked up right where I left and enjoyed the game as much as I did before, even though the arkham style combat system was far from perfect, I enjoyed the card game system to build your path. I picked up right in the middle and cruised my way up to the last boss... And then I hit a wall. It literally took me several days to pass the last boss, and I'm not ashamed to admit I was really thinking I couldn't do it... but I kept trying. Making progress time after time until that moment where I finally beat it was SO satisfying. It also got me all hyped up for the second one that is finally coming out next week!

Tales from the Borderlands

14 hours playtime, 35 of 35 achievements

Thanks to Ninglor for getting me back to it, I really had a blast finishing Tales from the Borderlands. It's definitely one of the 2 best Telltale game for me and almost made me want to pick up Borderlands again (but then I remembered I actually don't enjoy it that much). The game had a really interesting cast of characters and except for a tiny little thing I really liked the plot. I highly recommend even if you haven't play the Borderlands series, or if you have and liked the universe but not the game itself.

Layers of Fear

9 hours playtime, 23 of 27 achievements

The most terrifying game I've played this month. It was not the scariest ever but had quite a few jump scares, which is what makes me nervous when playing those kind of game. The plot was creepy yet intriguing and was getting creepier the more you go. The DLC was a nice addition to the game too letting you play another character from the base game but years later, in the same environment with a pretty fucked up plot too. Anyway, got my dose of horror for this year.

Eventide: Slavic Fable

5 hours playtime, 25 of 25 achievements

A nice little HoG to finish the month, thanks again Ninglor for the pick it was a pretty sweet and relaxing one with a nice plot. Not too many hidden object scenes sadly (or maybe it was just an impression) and too many collectibles for my taste, but a nice one overall.

  • Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 20 achievements

  • Submerged

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 10 achievements

  • Dead Age

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 77 achievements

  • Feel The Snow

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 15 achievements

  • Even the Ocean

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 21 achievements

  • A Blind Legend

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 10 achievements

  • Heroic Dungeon

    5 hours playtime

    13 of 15 achievements

  • Loot Rascals

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 22 achievements

  • Flinthook

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 37 achievements

  • Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 30 achievements

  • Layers of Fear

    9 hours playtime

    23 of 27 achievements

  • The Frostrune

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 20 achievements

= SG win - = Gift or Other Win
CleaningSimp twitter

<3 Feel <3 The <3 Snow <3.
I really must get back to Tales of the Borderlands soon as well.


I’m excited to get to try it soon, it looks adorable.

As for TFTB you should, i had only played episode one and it’s really getting better and better ;)


LOL seven gifts? People love giving stuff to you!
Was Goetia that short/easy to get all of the achievements? Did you make use of a guide?
Wonderful progress! Thank you for the update and write-up!


Well thanks for reading :)
I think I used a guide to get the 2 different endings in one run but other than that, most cheevos are story related, one is an exploring one and one is a collectible one of sort (read all the documents & books in the game)


Holy cat that’s a lot of games, I hope you’re keeping some stats for an end-of-the-year report to see just how many games you’ve beaten this year :O

I have beaten no games on the list other than Tales from the Borderlands but there are a couple of names that were on my radar, I’ll definitely try to check out Stories Untold soon. You have indirectly helped me with the backlog by confirming that A Druid’s Duel wouldn’t be a game I’d enjoy, that’s a game off the list ^^


I am actually, since last year I had to go back and collect all the data when making my end of the year report, this year I kept a spreadsheet with the stats to have less work when I want to make a nice graphic.

Stories untold is really interesting and not too long, so you can tackle it if you have a free half day. Yes, don’t waste your time with a druid’s duel I really wanted to love the game but it was disappointing (and then I was in that situation where you’re so close to finish and have spent so much time on it that you don’t wanna give up). There is better things to play even in the same genre.


Congrats on the successful gaming month!
I tried playing some for the monthly but wasn’t thaaaaaat much into the theme. Mostly because all of the games I stopped at some point… well, there was probably some kind of reason why it happened. So I wasn’t to motivated getting back to them :]
But I’m glad to read, it was way more your theme!

Have an awesome November!
Happy backlog killing :)


Yes, I totally get you then. On my part though (understand before BLAEO) I had the bad habit to start a lot of games and then not finish them even when I liked them because mostly I got disctracted by another one, so it was quite an effective theme for me. I need to go and sort my games for the new theme, I have for sure a few of them and it will be the perfect opportunity to replay machinarium now that it has cheevos.

Happy November to you too my Queen :3


Well the only one that would really have made sense for me, but which I didn’t put on the list, would have been Dishonored. I really want to play it and started it by now… three times I think. But always stopped after a short while. I mean, I loved Thief and Deus-Ex and Hitman, but this one didn’t capture me in the first hour that much (and instead of the others it made me also sick, but never mind that part :] ). So yeah, at some point I gotta go back there. But that one I never considered as stopped and abandoned so it didn’t really land on my list :D
Also I really didn’t want to play it lalala

I’m afraid this month is even less my theme. The only games I have are those Shelter games (completed) and Beyond Eyes (completed but I’m also not sure if it really counts, never mind me though). So, I don’t have anything. But that ofc leaves me with more time to do other things :D

Normally I would totally disagree with you there. November is not happy, buuuut I’m having B-Day in November so it’s not too bad either :D


You can always make your own theme or go for a second round of the challenge.

When is your Bday??? :curious:


Na, own themes don’t occur to me :D
And CM… still working on that one ;)

Oh, at the end of the month. 28th to be precise :)


Sounds like you had lots of good ones played this month!

I played Layers of Fear this month as well and it was a lot spookier than I expected, very atmospheric. Tales from the Borderlands is one of my favourite games and a pleasant surprise, as the Borderlands games are a bit meh for me as well. One of those things I wish I enjoyed more. And I’ve heard soo many good things about Stories Untold lately, it’s definitely piqued my interest (despite being on the fence before). It looks like it could be something quite different and interesting, though bummer about the ending.

Hope you have just as good of a November gaming month. :)


Definitely have a try at Stories Untold. I was a bit disappointed by the ending, but it wasn’t really bad, I think it’s more something personal :) Plus it’s really short so if you end up not liking it, you just lost 2-3 hours and not 30 ;)

Happy gaming in November to you too :)