
#9 Progress report - November

This month was just great! After accommodating in a new place I could spend as much time playing as I wanted. Of course I preferred to go out with new met coworkers, but unfortunately - I need as much money as I could save, because in the end of December I’m getting married - so saving did cut those events down to 2. And about those games:

  • Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    35 hours playtime

    59 of 59 achievements

  • Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

    50 hours playtime

    35 of 88 achievements

  • Epistory - Typing Chronicles

    6 hours playtime

    40 of 55 achievements

  • Sacred 3

    6 hours playtime

    2 of 45 achievements

  • Hell Yeah!

    2 hours playtime

    5 of 12 achievements

  • Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior

    5 minutes playtime

    0 of 2 achievements

  • Life Is Strange

    4 hours playtime

    1 of 60 achievements

Sleeping Dogs in this month it was just a clean up of achievements and DLC’s. Loved all the time I’ve spend in Hong Kong.
Titan Quest is one of the my most beloved games, that I return to from time to time. Went through Epic with my Hunter/Nature and had a blast!
Epistory was in my wishlist for a long time, but received it after it was bundled. The story is great and surprising, gameplay is as I was expecting - typing weird words in a fast pace . If you grabbed that humble bundle - spend a little time with this game.
DOOM took me around 2 weeks from life. I’m trying to get max lvl in multi, currently echelon IV. Maybe in this year I’ll be able to get 100% in it? It reminds me good times with Quake II, and the multi is just the same - fast paced, brutal and entertaining. Shame that I cannot gather my old team, just for this one month.
And now the bad:
Sacred 3 cannot be this bad, right? I was wondering, and now I know. Played the first mission only, and then I saw the map - no open world, gathering people to team, grinding for next levels etc. The rest of the game is still as bad. Most of my playtime comes from card farming.
Hell Yeah! cheesy humor, bad controls (not responsible char in a platformer? no thank you), overall idea how the weapon and sawblade work is bad. Love platformers, but this one is going to thrash.
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior- the idea sounded nice in the beginning. But few minutes of gameplay showed how tedious it is, and I’ve just dropped it.
Life is Strange bought this game after most of people praised it, even after having a bad experience with Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain (both on PS3). It is just not my type of game, and I didn’t bother about the teenagers story, problems etc. at all. If you’re having any doubts on this game - just don’t buy it.

Happy assassinations in those few remaining weeks!


Hey, congrats on your upcoming wedding! :D


Thank you :D Although after 10 years of being a couple is just a formality :)


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