For multiple personal reasons, time and depression mostly i almost abandoned one of the things i enjoy the most, wich is gaming- despite that i never stopped getting bundles or indulging in steam sales with the mindset ‘this next year i will finally get back to it’- until i gave up. Now im back at it again, hopefully this time for real (a new rig also helps).
Im decidedly a non-completionist; I care less about 100% or beating games and more about enjoying the best way for me (wich in my case usually involves multiple titles at a time)- also because im slow, maybe because i stop too much to smell the flowers, replaying levels or coming back to a title i paused for too long just restarting the whole thing… thing is i never trust ‘how long to beat’- it gives some idea, but i always take like double or triple the time most people get. Do you guys rush, do i have some cognitive wonkiness? Im not sure. I will probably end up replaying subnautica for the 4th time soon, maybe this time i will finish it, or maybe i will once again slow down because irrationally i wished it would never end (btw i highly recommend, probably my favorite game by now)
That said i do want to pick some to finally beat- but the way i am my higher goal is having played my huge backlog and had fun with it, completion or not
(damn, i was distracted and tought this was like a main profile description, ended up editing my initial post while i couldve done a new one… 🤦🏻♂️)

Welcome to BLAEO!
I used to be just like you when it comes to not completing games, and this community helped me a lot with that, so I hope it helps you too. Nice list of games in progress!
Also, may I advise to pick Oxenfree over Kentucky Route Zero? Not only because it’s an amazing game, but also because the last episode of Kentucky still isn’t out yet (god knows when this will happen -____-)

Good to know! That changes everything- damn, i tought Kentucky had finally finished by now… i recall holding on getting it because of the missing episodes, sometime ago i saw it was at 3 or 4 chapters… damn, they sure take their time :P
Thanks a lot! You just saved me from a deceptioning end that would turn into hours wasted- because when it finally releases the rest i would replay from the start all over again. You’re a saviour! \o/

I was baffled myself. We talked about it with a friend the other day and i had to go back to their steam forums and check. No date is even planned for the last episode, I’m waiting too as I don’t wanna get frustrated if it takes them one or 2 more years (or more ;__;)

Theres a big chance it never will at this rate… same fear i have for Interstellar Marines and Overgrowth

Such a damn shame current state of events lead to Alan Wake being pulled out of stores. Use licensed music, they said.

Finally i was on to it on time! I have at least a dozen wishlisted games on steam that are no more, pulled from store (neverwinter nights where are thou?).
I hate these legal issues getting in the way of fun and developers. No one lives forever for example would turn good profit being released on steam but no, legal fight…
Why don’t they pay for the licensed music, get in a deal for a lower fine like 1% of next sales… idn, damn it.

You can still get Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition and Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete on GOG. I think they even gave away the first NWN free not too long ago.

My wife love Christopher Walken. Nice to see a kindred spirit. Welcome to BLAEO!
Hey, welcome to BLAEO!
Aw I feel you, sometimes I used to do that too - I played a game and then moved on to something else and never finished it O.o I think this site can provide a pretty good motivation for actually finishing the games you started though, so I wish you the best of luck! :)
Any by the way, I’m currently playing Ziggurat too. It’s a pretty good game :)
I like pretty much everything on Ziggurat save the weapons. I always wanted more crazy and different weapons on fps and magical ones and it does that but damn, they have one of the worst/lacking feedbacks ive seen in a fps. If you trembled with ‘magical recoil’ and enemies actually felt all the arcane gigawhiz throw at then it would be perfect. I try to wrap my head around it and ignore but im reminded of how better it would feel all the time :P
Lichdom battlemage (another unfinished one for me) is linear non-procedural but have a similar idea of magical fps; I have a couple of gripes on how it does things but the magic shooting power there is done right.
Im now looking foward to Strafe (brand new), Evil Daggers and Merger 3d for my next oldschool light/procedural fps. Still i have plenty to beat and unlock on Ziggurat before that.