
January 2018 games to finish

First of all I’m so glad to be a part of this community. I’m a very slow player with a bad habit of dropping games in the middle of playing so as a result I haven’t finished many games in my backlog but hopefully this website will help me in fixing that. For January 2018 I set my goal as finishing these games many of which I won on Steamgifts. I have played a bit of all of them and hopefully I can finish them soon. It’s not a fixed list though, I may change or add more games later but for now this is my goal for January.

  • A Blind Legend

    2 hours playtime

    4 of 10 achievements

  • Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

    2 hours playtime

    4 of 50 achievements

  • Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

    21 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Styx: Master of Shadows

    2 hours playtime

    0 of 33 achievements

  • The Fall

    3 hours playtime

    2 of 17 achievements


Welcome to the group! :)

If it’s a habit that you want to kick, my advice would be to just focus on one game at a time. Rather than look at a list of games that you want to finish (which could potentially feel like a lot to do), just pick one of them and play it, and when it’s finished, pick another.


Thanks! I have a problem keeping interested in a game if I only play it especially longer games, I am trying to change that and just focus on one game at a time though. I thought having a list would help keep my attention on those games and I tried to not choose too much. I’ll try it out for this month, if it’s not effective I’ll try just choosing one game at a time.


This comment was deleted about 7 years ago.


Welcome to the group!
I think it’s good to read other people’s approaches and see what works for you. I gave up choosing one or two games at a time because sometimes I’m just not into a particular type of game, or don’t have the time.

Also, good luck with Deus Ex. I hope you have a better time than me! I’m terrible at that game. I got stuck at one of the first boss-type enemies (with a rocket launcher). Have been back to it a few times and still can’t do it! I should probably restart and have another go.


Yeah I’ll read around, there are many interesting ways that other people use. I really like Deus Ex so far but I wouldn’t say I’m good at it either :P. Hopefully I can finish it.