If I’d stopped buying games after 2014…
Recently, I’ve been tagging all my games here according to where they came from. My plight against The Backlog is woeful in the first place, but it’s interesting to see how it’s shaking out versus all the various sources of games. I wish I’d stopped to get a snapshot like this for 2012 and 2013, as the backlog didn’t appear quite as desperate then. But here it is in 2014, and I’ll try to remember to either post again when I get through tagging everything from 2015, or I’ll just update this post.
Steam Store 381 games
Retail 228 games
Crowd-funding 12 games
SteamGifts 95 games
Gift / Trade / Other 70 games
Gray market 2 games
Unknown 3 games
Humble Bundle 294 games
Indie Royale 234 games
Indie Gala 294 games
Groupees 373
Bundle-in-a-Box 9 games
Bundle Stars 243 games
Flying Bundle 10 games
Blink Bundle 41 games
LazyGuysStudio 7 games
Miscellaneous bundles 19 games
If you click through the title text to most of those lists, you can see the breakdown of exactly which store or bundle or whatever each game came from. As I continue to update them, they won’t be exclusive to 2014 though, and the SteamGifts one is already inclusive of every year up to the present (however, pared down to 2014 for the graphic here).
I think it’s interesting to see the worthy-of-my-time “value” I’ve placed on each of the bundle sites over the years though, since this playtime includes everything up to the present. I’m expecting my SteamGifts stat to get much worse, but I’m relatively happy with my Steam Store and Retail purchases. Gift / Trade / Other also includes a lot of developer or publisher free game promotions, so I’m kinda surprised that it also has decent playtime. Miscellaneous and Bundle in a Box stats look pretty good at first, but they have many fewer games in their lists. And it’s nice to see that – yeah, Humble really was the best of them. And I miss Indie Royale – they had the best names for their bundles!
Also… Bundle Stars… how in the hell do I have zero minutes across the board, apart from Shelter (yay!) and Woodcutter Simulator (wtf, me?!). Perceived versus actual worth-my-time value there was just… wow… (The “completed” game – The 11th Hour – is one I’d finished in pre-Steam days.)
P.S. I don’t card farm, so that hasn’t skewed the stats at all.

this is real cool.
I’d be intrested in knowing total stats (up to 2019) as well.

Thanks! I don’t expect to be finished with the project until at least mid-October. I’ll probably post the yearly updates as comments to this post.

I love making lists, thanks for giving me this good idea. It’s interesting to see where you’re getting the best deals from. If I had to guess, it’s probably Humble for me as well.

Wow, you jumped right on that – looks like you’re already half done with the cataloging! :D
And yeah, many of the bundles I’d get from other sites would typically have one title that I just couldn’t pass up, while the rest would be filler. Humble generally seemed to have multiple titles that I was happy to get. Now I just gotta translate the acquisition happiness into playtime happiness! :)

If I had your lists (some of which I reviewed), I wouldnt blame you for playing Fanatical games so little compared to your other frequent store purchases: Steam, Humble, IG…
I’ve been buying bundles & star deals on occasion from Fanatical since 2017 and I’ve bought/found many more recognizable games, so perhaps that speaks to how much better they may have gotten, or I’m just a total bundle noob in comparision to you.
True enough. At the time, I think it just seemed like they were a pretty great deal for some decent games and that I would probably get around to playing enough of them eventually to make it worth the small cost. As time has passed, however, it was probably not worth buying most of those and money would have been better saved up for fewer, but better games. Also, yes, I think Fanatical has gotten better over the years. I just didn’t remember them ever being this… mediocre… ‘til tagging everything.