I have finished Clockwork Tales Of Glass and Ink. Another one down! I think I’ll take a break from HOGs for a while.
I fired up Woolfe. 3D platformer. Pretty visuals, nice sound design. Astonighingly, the narration is all in rhymed verse! How about that!

What did you think of Ink? (think of Ink, think of Ink.. has a nice ring to it.)
I finished it recently, so I have a pretty fresh memory of it. It became a lot more challenging than I expected after playing the first 25 levels.
edit: Hah, I just figured out how I totally misread the game title. “Another one down!”… should’ve been a clear giveaway. So, now I need to learn how to read. This will be added in my backlog progress as high priority.

I started playing Woolfe last week too, but I gut stuck at the pipes in the sewers. I’m really bad at platformers, not sure if I’d be able to continue. Gorgeous looking game.
Woolfe has always intrigued me but for some reason eluded my wishlist (and my backlog for that matter). Curious to see how it holds up beyond initial impressions! I love the art style.