Vapor Dosh

Some of you are already aware of my internet problems; basically, I’m not going to come too often until they are resolved, and that means that any playtime I have won’t be logged in. Just in case, for now I’m going to try and focus on games without Steam achievements, maybe try some of my GOG or other backlog in the meantime as well.

ETA for my problem getting solved last week was two weeks (more optimistic variant) or a month (more realistic variant). I hope there won’t be any pessimistic variant.

Lucky Thirteen

Aww, that sucks! I hope your internet issues will be resolved soon… I mean, “soon” as in SOON, not as in SOON(tm) ;D


Please give real Doshie back T_T

Vapor Dosh

I am Doshie


That’s a bummer, fingers crossed it’s fixed sooner than later. Hope you still enjoy whatever you end up playing!

Blue Ϟ Lightning

figured out why you wont cum too often…its cause you don’t have access to the internet/anime titties :3