“Cleaning mission” 6th report:
January is ending so it’s time to look what i achieved this month, and the answer is not as much i wanted.
In this game you have to managed cam girls to obtain much fans as possible in 21 days. A run is very short, between 1 hour and half and 2 hours, and there is not a lot of value to play it again except to have a better score (so i don’t recommend to buy it for it’s full value). I enjoyed it even it’s not a great game. Oh, and don’t wait any NSWF pictures in this game except loading pictures at the beginning of the game.
(SG Win / Challenge me! / ABC Challenge): It’s a very good surprise, i didn’t wait a lot of this game but it’s very challenging and it’s a perfect game when you want to play but you only have 10, 20 minutes free. I will give a more detailled opinion about it in the next report.
In the next weeks i will try to finish Cook, Serve, Delicious! and to complete some games which are part of my monthly “Challenge me!”, probably Abzu and Brother tales of two sons.
End of the report
Hey! At least it’s something ;) Sometimes you just don’t have the time for it.
Are you going for 100% Achievements in Brothers? Because they are rather strange and almost unobtainable without a guide, just as a warning.
Yeah, i know … But if i was not so lazy i could work faster and have more free time.
I didn’t know that thanks for the warning. I think i will do a first playthrough without a guide to enjoy and be focus on the experience, and a second to obtain achievements :-)