February roundup
Hey Assassins!
I can’t believe it’s already March now and it’s time for the february summary.
First of all, I show you my beaten games, which sadly don’t show up on BLAEO. But I won’t deforce them from you. :)
This was one of the best games I’ve played in years. It tells a very sensitive theme on a great way. I recommend to play it with a controller. There are different difficulty levels and you can change them even in the middle of the game. The game is only in english but standard english is enough to understand the story. There’s a demo for this game and I highly recommend The other half to everyone!
It was a very short game and I was expecting a bit more, but it was ok. A story about facing your fears. If you get it in a bundle, you can have a look. But buying this (as I did) is nothing I recommend.
Well, ok, then let’s go to games, which BLAEO synchronized with my steam library.
Kitten adventures in city park
1.8 hours, 4 of 4 achievements
Well, it's for free but still not worth your time in my opinion. It's a HOG, but I don't like the graphics and the story. If you want to try it out, go ahead, but I would not recommend this game.
Attentat 1942
7.6 hours, 5 of 17 achievements
It's very hard to write a review about this game. I think it's very important that games like this exist. It's very educational and I would highly appreciate, if teachers play such games in their lessons. Children, teens or young adults would learn alot about history and even have fun at the same time.
If your interessted in history (especially the nazi era) you should play this. Or play it with your tennie kids. But it's no game for relaxing a little.
My Memory of Us
6.6 hours, 10 of 23 achievements
It was a really touching game about the horror of war and the magic of friendship. The soundtrack fits very well and the riddles are mostly easy to solve.
What I don't like was that they made 3 very complicated riddles at the last 2 levels. I had the feeling they want to stretch the game with that.
But I really recommend it, nice game!
A really nice and a bit different Hidden-Object-Game. The Highlights in this game are the information you get about Red Riding Hood. For example, I know now there's a hotel in Milan which has a Red Riding Hood room.
Of course, there are a lot of Hidden Object scenes and the objects are sometimes hard to find and I like that. I highly recommend it to every HOG Fan.
Alicia Griffith – Lakeside Murder
3.3 hours, 29 of 35 achievements
I don't like this game. It's a HOG without Hidden Object scenes. The story is meh. You can really skip that one.
I just saw, that this game is no longer available on steam. I'm so glad I bought it on the last sale. It's the HOG with the most thrilling story I've ever played. Ok, it's old, but I really like it a lot. Funny Mini-Games and the HO Scence are super nice. If you see a chance to buy this game, BUY IT! :)
A Mortician's Tale
1.4 hours, 2 of 3 achievements
I think, this is not a game. It feels like a mortician promotion. The game is not very long, about an hour. The only nice thing is the email conversation. It has a lot of text and the "gameplay" was very repetitive. So you can really skip that game, except you're a mortician in real life or want to learn something about the job.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
27 hours, 33 of 88 achievements
Super great. Lara Croft in best shape. The lightning effects are so beautiful, the german voice acting is one of the greatest I've ever hear in a game and the game play is super fun. There are different difficulty levels for every aspect of the game (fight, puzzles, jump&run). I highly recommend this.
It's solitaire. It was fun, but nothing special. The full price is too high imo for finishing the game in a good hour. Buy some other solitaire games instead or wait for a big sale.
Well, that’s every game I’ve finsihed in february. I’m super excited what March will bring. Actually I’m playing Edge of Eternity, which is a great game so far (some problems because of EA, but nothing to complain). And I’m planning to start Resident Evil 2 in the next days.
See you soon and keep on assassinating!