
August 2021 Beaten - Completed & Played Games

August can be summerized as simply souls-like. I finished 3 games, 2 of them new to steam.
First one i want to talk about is Surge 2 and as i said from the last month’s report; i didnt like it one bit. First game was ok to me. I mean not a great game but unique and stable enough to be enjoyable. But the second game was like the opposite of it. Pretty bland and very buggy. Especially in the combat i died many times even if i didnt make any mistakes. You could guess how frustrating it is in a souls-like. Story is non existing (not that i am looking for it but they tried to make it look like it mattered) and world design is just awful. In most games you have some idea or guess to why people just attacking you. In this game everything attacked me just so game can happen. It had good moments and some fine areas but that was all going for it. I dont recommend it at all.
Second one is Mortal Shell another souls-like which appeared after some time with exclusivity on Epic. I mean at first i was saying how bad it can be after Surge 2, my advice is never ask you may found out the answer. Not an awful game but i had the similar issues as Surge 2 with this. Also early game is painfully hard for some reason. When it clicks game becomes too easy too. You just have to wait everything. I mean it is the only way to defeat the game. You have wait something to attacked, stay far away then atack if you have some opening. Which some bosses dont have and that made the game even more boring. Also some inconsistency with the fighthing system made it more frustrating than it should be. Overall an unique approach to souls-like formula. If you can deal with painfully hard early game, it is fun.
Third one is the real gem here. GRIME is just a beautiful indie which is a metroidvania with souls-like elements. I felt it is very similar to Blashpemous but a different lore. Also you have stamina bar. It is fairly polished except at lauch some achievements didnt work as inteded that is why i didnt %100 it but they fixed them smooth gameplay with a few bugs here and there nothing major i encountered though. It is not really hard but challenging, exploring is fun and fast, also developers are responsive and listening community. This is definetly recommended.

  • Surge 2
    19 hours playtime - 31 of 57 achievements
  • Mortal Shell
    13 hours playtime - 15 of 37 achievements
    24 hours playtime - 32 of 35 achievements
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Damn too bad that Surge 2 was indeed a letdown…well, at least GRIME turned out to be great. At least the other two are done and you can cross them of the backlog. That’s the beauty of BLAEO: Even if the game was a disappointment, you at least can watch your completed category grow :D


Yeah but it is still sad to see some potential go to waste like that. They dont count as much a backlog since they all are new but hey at least they dont wait at the queue. :D