August / 100 finished SG wins / plans for the near future
August has been pretty good so far when it comes to backlog slaying :) These seven games (all SG wins) are now either beaten or completed:
6 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
Westerado: Double Barreled
5 hours playtime
38 of 79 achievements
Space Engineers
10 hours playtime
13 of 18 achievements
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
28 hours playtime
39 of 39 achievements
12 hours playtime
25 of 50 achievements
Prison Architect
14 hours playtime
13 of 18 achievements
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
17 hours playtime
31 of 59 achievements
This brings me to 100 games won on Steamgifts finished :)
I have three more SG wins in progress, but these three games are ones that I know I will play for an hour at the time a few hours per week, so it will most likely take me a few more weeks to beat them, I probably won’t be done with any of them in August:
Hollow Knight
9 hours playtime
6 of 54 achievements
2 hours playtime
10 of 38 achievements
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
43 minutes playtime
1 of 25 achievements
I’m also starting two other games now. First off, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. I have been looking forward to this game a lot. Since it’s quite short, I will probably be done with it in August. I’ll return with some nice screenshots :)
I’m also starting a probably 300+ hour long gaming project. Playing all three Witcher games back to back. I have never played the first or third, and decided it’s finally time. I’ll have a few other games on my rotation, but I’ll try to focus most of my gaming time on the Witcher games the next few months.
I have heard different opinions about the first game, many say it didn’t age well, and that the controls are awkward, but I’ll give it a good try, and I suspect I will play it all the way through. We’ll see, I’ll report back!

Congrats on your 100 SG wins finished! That’s impressive.
Are you liking Hollow Knight so far? I’m not as far as you are yet and don’t know if you’ve heard about it, but it seems it’s possible for a save file to get corrupted. Might be a good idea to do a manual backup once in a while :)
Good luck with the Witcher games!

I love many things with Hollow Knight, but three things keep it from being a top notch game for me:
1) Not having a map that updates automatically. I know there isn’t any map in Dark Souls, which this game borrows some features from, so it’s still a lot better than having no map at all, but in a game like this, I enjoy using the map frequently, and for me it’s a bit tedious when playing without one.
2) Not knowing what’s next. Sometimes I play for an hour without knowing what I’m going to do next. Just going places and trying things. That was excellent in Ori and the Blind Forest, I never felt lost.
3) Sparse fast travel points / save points. Lots of long backtracking, not a fan of it.
Sounds like I’m complaining a lot, don’t get me wrong. I like it a lot, but these are my only concerns :) Didn’t know about the save corruption, that would be awful. I’ll try to remember doing backups.

Oh, I totally agree with your points.
I like Cornifer, I think it’s a nice idea to have to buy a map (instead of magically knowing), but it has a negative effect on the gameplay. For metroidvania’s I use the map like every 30 seconds..
Hope you continue to enjoy Hollow Knight despite these things :)

Sometimes I was almost thinking about drawing the map out by hand, but I actually started to “cheat” by looking at complete maps I found in guides. That made the game more enjoyable for me, for sure. Played quite a lot yesterday. I also used maps/guides to get a better idea of what to do next, and that also made the game a lot more fun for me. 50% of the time until I started using guides I spent aimlessly wandering around between different places, trying to find where to go next.

I’m playing The Witcher now, as my July challenge game. It’s still July, right? Yes, I thought so. Anyway, I’m enjoying it immensely. I’m not going to claim for a moment that my tastes are anywhere near most other gamers - I’m well aware that they aren’t, and I’m content with that. But this game is full of character, firm in its design, and just a pleasure overall. I’ve been distracted by other stuff these last couple of weeks, but I’m itching to get back in there.

Thanks, good to hear some positive opinions as well! I’ve heard more negative than positive comments from people who have played it in recent years. It was very well received when it came out, but that was quite some time ago, and many have changed their taste. I think I’m the right person to enjoy it more like it was enjoyed closer to release :)

Wow, that progress!! Congrats on the milestone :3 And best of luck with your witcher project. I can’t wait to read about it (and i hope you post screens on your steam feed ;) )

Thanks! Will post some screenshots every now and then :)

yeah witcher 1 didn’t age well, but gameplay and controls are still great.
it’s also way easier than the second and third, combat is just on-screen triggers, dodging and drinking potions.

Looking forward to the third one so much :)

I have played and beaten all 3 Witcher games and I agree the first is the weakest one. And if I remember well, controllers are not supported in that one. Combos are made by timing your attacks right.
The second game has good replayability as you have two different paths to choose in the middle chapter (and you can’t take both).
The third one is a masterpiece. I have the project to play through it again without fast traveling and walking/riding at a slow pace outside of combat.

Nope, no controller. The game was never released on console to my knowledge (one of the reasons why I never played it until now), so mouse and keyboard it is. I prefer playing third person games with a controller when possible. Witcher 3 will probably end up being the best game I have ever played. Looking forward to it a lot!

I feel people are too harsh on The Witcher. The combat isn’t that bad at all but I’d agree that the character models are uhm… kind of weird looking, especially after having spent a lot of time playing the last game in the series. I hope you’ll enjoy the games as much as I did. All are well above average and the The Witcher III is a true masterpiece of a game.

Good thing I’m saving the third game for last then :) Thanks!

Dragon Fall completed in 28 hours O.o What is this magic? I needed 47 for that. Just so much text to read. But it it a fun game with an interesting lore and some good mechanics. Congratulations on your progress.

I did it all in one playthrough. It required reading up on the achievements before, and saving before important points, where different choices led to different achievements. The ones requiring the most planning (as in longest gametime before “payoff” and easiest to miss) were the Dante ones, insulting then ignoring Dante for most of the game to get the “Down, boy” achievement. I chose my “main” story, and read the story carefully for that, but whenever I branched off in a different direction for an achievement I often skimmed through it a bit.
Thanks! Will play Hong Kong soon :)

Yea, I supposed it was something like that. I often prefer to start my first playthrough blind although it makes a second playthrough necessary costing a lot of time T_T And always I think: “Okay, on my second playthrough I will play the bad guy” and it fails everytime. I just couldn’t see myself siding with the lobby at all. I hated the recruitment mission already so much >.< Although you get an awesome item from them ….. Also, sad part is that my second character is always stronger then the first.
Have fun with Hong Kong. It is a good game but they went overboard with the amount of text O.o

I starting to hate when games make you do several playthroughs if you want the achievements unless you spend a crapload of time reading and planning ahead. My favourite part of playing games is figuring out how things work and having to look up achievements if you don’t want to be forced to replay everything kind of spoils this fun for me. Thankfully I’m able to ignore achievements most of the time but I would be lying if I said I not getting affected by peer pressure.

For short games it is okay. For longer games it is a pain. For RPG is it kind of okay as well as it promotes different playstyles or ways to go which is how it should be. But it is a nightmare for completionists ^^

Haha, yeah, I had to go against what I wanted myself for the achievement. Trying to be the cold blooded shadowrunner who does it all for the payday ;)
Thanks! It will take a while for me to get there, probably starting it after I finish (or at least get to the third game of) The Witcher trilogy.

Congrats on the milestone! :) And good luck with your Witcher challenge. I played the first game a few months ago and just finished the second one, I think there’s plenty about them you should enjoy, even Witcher 1 with its outdated graphics… there were actually several aspects I ended up missing. It was hard not to just skip to the third game but I ended up really liking the first two so I’m happy you’re also giving them a chance. Have fun :)

Thanks! The first game is looking pretty good so far. It takes a while getting used to the combat, it’s a bit different from everything else I’m used to… feels a bit more like a RTS in some ways :D Even if the graphics are outdated, they aren’t so bad it hurts, it’s somewhere around 2007-2008 when games started getting graphics good enough that they still work today without feeling too “retro”.
I played and really enjoyed The Witcher 1– it’s the only Witcher game I’ve played, though, so I have no basis for comparison. I don’t remember the combat controls being awkward, but it’s also possible I was playing on Easy (I honestly don’t recall). Looking forward to hearing what you thought about Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.
After playing a bit I can understand what scares some people away from it, but I don’t think I’m likely to give up on it just because of the age / that it’s not as smooth as newer games. Seems like quite a decent game :) Hellblade is a bit different game than what I expected before release (having played DMC, from the same developer recently), but it’s a very interesting game. Just played the first hour or so, but looking forward to the rest.