January Report
This month has been a bit slow on the gaming side, but i’ve spent quite a bit of time with my family and also ran a site for Global Game Jam last weekend (where i created a a game as well… bug ridden mess, but works, well enough)… Anyway… onto my report:
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
10 hours playtime
19 of 60 achievements
The Deadly Tower of Monsters
5 hours playtime
25 of 25 achievements
Planet of the Eyes
2 hours playtime
14 of 14 achievements
88 minutes playtime
no achievements
- Planet of the Eyes is a short platformer in the style of limbo… but it has nothing that makes it stand out… it’s quite meh…
Pressured is a simple skill/math game where you have to do additions before the time’s up… the graphics and audio are terrible…
Deadly Tower of Monsters is a great review of the Metroidvania genre. You have to traverse the world, climbing up the tower in order to defeat the evil emperor, but at any moment you can jump off the tower to lower levels… The Sci-Fi B Movie theme is greatly done and the game can get a lot of laughs out of you… A truly recommended game…
- Metal Gear Revengeance is a zany spin-off the MGS franchise. You control Raiden, a Cyborg ninja that hacks everything that comes in his way apart with his sword… It’s fast paced badass action. The story is crazy as hell as always, mixing politicss, serious world issues and giant robots…
Well… that’s all for today…
What kind of game did you come up with, if you don’t mind me asking?
The theme was waves, so it’s kind of a arcade platformer where you have to help a Cyber Demon Bunny escape from hell, by opening up some portals. You open the portals by activating some pedestals, that when active emit waves, that if they touch you, you die. So as you progress, the level gets harder until you open up the portal. Also, the soundtrack is divided by instruments, and every pedestal activates a different part of the soundtrack…
Haven’t been able to sit down and touch it this week…
Here’s the Link, if you want to check it our… there’s a lot of polish and bug fixing to be done, but our main problem was that the wave system was not operational till sunday morning… :P
I checked it out, that divided soundtrack idea is pretty cool! And thumbs up on including a controller support, worked without problems :)
Hey! Thanks for trying it out… I’m planning on making bug fixes and adding more levels this week. The Bug when the game loads the second level is something that has me puzzled to no end… Still can’t figure out why it runs the entrance animation over and over again :P
It’s the first game i’ve done with no tutorials, so ‘m proud of that mess :P