☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Good to see you here :)

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Good to be here, and good to see you too! Although I’m in an eternal fight with HTML to figure out what the heck I keep messing up hahaha (:


That formatting looks so complicated. Good thing Akantha posted some templates on her profile, maybe I will steal that when I feel brave enough.

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Hah! Indeed. I sent my thanks on the front page of the steam group, they are super helpful! And I got all the formatting okay now (:


Welcome on board and good luck defeating your backlog o/

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Thanks so much, Black Sheep of evilness! \o



9 games that you’re currently playing? Sounds almost as bad as me. haha

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

I was eager to finally meet you, Akantha! Your coding is amazing! And yeah, I’m constantly biting off more than I can chew. And thanks for the welcome!


Nice to meet you too. :)
I think it’s a bit of a stretch to call it my coding though.

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Well, therefore I must be thankful for your cheat sheet. Also, my dad’s a programmer and upon seeing me battle HTML, he said:
“In programming, it is a known fact that plagiarism is a virtue.”

So… nothing to be ashamed of?


Well that’s definitely true, probably for far more than just coding too. :)


Nice to see you here! Welcome!

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

It’s good to be here with you guys, Revil! Long time no talk, hope you are doing great. (:


Very nice idea of sharing the songs, it’s always refreshing to hear what other people are listening to. Welcome and best of luck with your backlog!

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Thanks so much for the luck! Maybe I’ll share songs, movies, books… I’m still figuring it out. I believe we can always connect a piece of the world with another and bask on the results. Glad to hear you appreciate it! See you around. (:


Oh, so DC convinced you after all? Welcome :)

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

He did indeed, sly person he is. It’s a pleasure to be here! Thanks for the warm welcome.


Ah, I remember you. Been a while since I’ve seen you. You just upped and disappeared.

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

Aww so sweet. I thought no one remembered me? I was hoping to creep by unnoticed, but I believe some things cannot be avoided.
I did disappear. I confess! (shame shame shame dling dling)

Alas, I did so because of college! I got into one of the best ones I sincerely believe I couldn’t have managed if I had the amazing SG (among other things) keeping me distracted from my studies.

Happy to be here, though!


Once upon a time your avatar was plastered on almost every Stream Gifts thread I visited. Hard to forget a kitty like that.

Good call on the college, don’t let us distract you from it. If you got into one of the best ones, you gotta go all out. Hope you really kill it!

☽ Coraline Castell ☾

It’s so kind of you to say so and remind me of good ol’ times at SG.

Either I’m gonna kill it, or it’s gonna kill me! Haha! Thanks for the support and stay awesome. (: