Just a quick update.
Finished idling “Tap Heroes” a game a friend gave me, as far as idle games go it wasn’t too good, but I went ahead and finished it since it was only idling anyway.
Got the last achievement on energy cycle finally, marking it was completed and allowing myself to leave that nightmare in the dust.
The game is actually quite enjoyable, my head just doesn’t do well with puzzles so it was hard once the timed puzzles kicked in.
Most importantly, finally got the last two achievements in terraria, the game that got me into achievement hunting (strange choice, eh?) Marking that the first game I payed for with achievements that I finished.
Apart from that, did some looking through my games and sorting a bit on this site, updating as needs be. decided to mark as beaten some games that can’t really be beaten (Civilization, Chess etc.) Also made a list of games I got free elsewhere or weren’t being properly updated here (a won bundle springs to mind) Makes me see how little games I really got myself.
And now Grammarly is working, no idea what happened last post.
Yeah, ‘endless’ games are something that we all judge ourselves where to categorize them. I personally have marked endless games as beaten after I’ve spent a good amount of hours with them and don’t feel like playing them anymore. And if the game has achievements, getting close to around 50% is a good enough measure for me that I’ve explored enough what the game has to offer.
I see you’ve joined recently, so.. welcome to the group! :) And thanks for bringing up Grammarly, I’ll definitely give it a try.
Ty for your input might set some sort of achievement-point in endless games I’ll refer to in the future.
Thanks for the welcome too ^-^
And yeah, Grammarly is awesome, especially for me since English isn’t my first language and I mess up often punctuation wise >_>