Catching up on the past couple months:
What can I say about Dishonored that hasn’t been said before? It’s an utterly fantastic game, one of the best I’ve ever played, and I loved every moment of it.
I’ve never really been fond of stealth sequences in action games, so imagine my surprise that not only did I love the stealth in Dishonored, but I ended up going for a non-lethal, never-spotted playthrough just because it felt like the right way to play. And, to my surprise, it was actually far more satisfying than the violent, action approach. There’s something much more powerful about sneaking up behind a guy undetected, choking him out, and then just leaving him there - a far more effective demonstration of power than just stabbing or shooting someone.
I loved the world, the story, the characters (I was surprised by the voice actors listed in the credits), and the sheer pleasure of sneaking around the world - each confrontation felt like a delightful puzzle. I was constantly surprised by how flexible the game was - each area or obstacle seemed to have 3-4 different approaches, and often it was only after the confrontation was complete that I’d realize all the other paths that I could have taken.
I loved Dishonored enough to do a second playthrough, violent and ruthless this time. It was still fun and enjoyable, but sneaky and non-lethal felt far more so, and seemed like the way the game was meant to be played.
That’s right, I went off-Steam. I was so excited for Nier Automata (to have a better sale), that I remembered that I had picked up the original Nier on clearance years ago and never played it. So I decided to dust it off and fire it up. To my surprise, it was great.
Nier was really refershing, as evidenced by the intro that begins with a woman shouting and swearing - a clear sign to the player that this isn’t your typical RPG. The characters were very unique and interesting, the most unique and memorably characters I’ve seen in an RPG since Planescape Torment. The story and setting were good, the locations ranging from standard fantasy to lovely and haunting spaces. The combat was fun and engaging. The music was fantastic, setting the mood wonderfully - I can’t say enough good things about the music.
I was surprised how much of what I found in the Nier Automata demo was present in the original Nier - the combination of melee and ranged attacks; the changing camera angles that change the game from a third-person action RPG to a side-scrolling platformer or top-down brawler; the bullet-hell enemy attacks; the over-the-top boss fights. It was clearly better executed in Automata, with a larger budget, but the inspiration was there in the orignal Nier.
Speaking of the boss fights, they were incredible - enormous fights, some ranging across an entire town, and over-the-top in the most epic way.
On the downside, the game clearly had more ambition than budget and time. The graphics are fine but hardly impressive, and the camera employs a depth-of-field effect that makes images on the periphery of the screen appear as if someone smeared vaseline all over the screen. The 2D side-scrolling sections are more novel than they are enjoyable, and the side-quests - while occasionally amusing - are almost all tedious gather / fetch quests.
But I still loved my time with it, and highly recommend it to RPG fans. It’s a great way to pass the time while waiting for Automata to become more affordable.

I often find the stealthy approach to be more challenging and satisfying, too. I haven’t played Dishonored, but I’ve heard that the DLC is well worth it, so that might be worth looking into. :)

I heard the story DLC was great too. I just picked it up during the last sale.

I hadn’t even realized Nier had a predecessor! Would you recommend playing it through before Automata (knowing you haven’t played Automata yet) for someone with a decent backlog, or is it likely safe to skip?
And for Dishonored (which I will undoubtedly be playing next year), being that I’m someone who generally takes the stealthy approach, do you think that playing the stealthy mode first was probably the best way to do it, or do you see any advantage in running the game in a loud shooting spree run first?

I went with killing spree during my first playthrough in Dishonored. It felt like I was doing it wrong and I didn’t really find the game enjoyable. I just wanted to get it over with.
After finishing Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider, I went back to the first game and did a stealth playthrough, which I found to be more enjoyable than going on a killing spree.
If you’re planning to replay the game for cheevos, it might be better to do killing spree first and be done with it. If you intend to do only one playthrough, you might as well do non-lethal stealth, the way the game is meant to be played.

Exactly the sort of feedback I was looking for! Stealth first it’ll be then! Thank you! :)

I would highly recommend taking the stealth approach for Dishonored as an initial playthrough. Everything about it felt great, and it seemed like the way the game was meant to be played. You’ll get to fully explore and enjoy the world that way. I think it’s worth having your first playthrough be the best one.
And I would absolutely recommend Nier. Now, it’s not essential to playing Automata, as Automata is a sequel but doesn’t require playing Nier. But Nier itself is a really good game, and I think you would enjoy it, and then enjoy seeing its promise perfected in Automata. And you’ll get to enjoy some extra knowledge of the backstory too.

it was actually far more satisfying than the violent, action approach. There’s something much more powerful about sneaking up behind a guy undetected, choking him out, and then just leaving him there
Welcome to the club! I love stealth games for this exact reason - there’s something very appealing in smeaking around, unheard, unseen… Something intriguing, it’s hard to describe :) Glad you liked Dishonored, I enjoyed it very much, myself. Didn’t have the chance to get the second Dishonored or Death of Outsider, but I bet they’re both just as awesome!
Now just for a second imagine doing this without taking down anyone even if it’s a non-lethal takedown, and doing it without being seen despite all the conscious and aware enemies surrounding you. Now that’s powerful! :D
In my eyes, you’ll always be the embodiment of stealthy pacifism! :D
I’ll happily accept that :D
Totally powerful, and likely beyond my abilities (unless I stop time?).