I have 2 achievements left to get. One of them is to get every other achievement. The other. To play the daily 31 days in a row. Recently got to 28 days and then had a friend INSIST I hang out with them… All day. I might leave it unobtained because that dedication has me super annoyed =_=

Ah that sucks :/ I assume you can’t do it by changing the date on your PC?
Edit: fixed “xhamging” to “changing”. WTF autocorrect

Can’t you just open the game for like a minute each day while checking emails or what have you?

But the changelog says:
The dedication achievement was changed to only require 31 total Daily Challenges instead of 31 consecutive Daily Challenges. (This change is not retroactive, meaning that any non-consecutive Daily Challenges you have done in the past will not count.)

So why hasn’t it unlocked for me? Is it bugged? I would be so upset if that’s what happened…

I don’t know. Are you using any mods?

No. :l I didn’t want to use mods until I got all the achievements.

Weird. Using mods would prevent you to get achievements.
But since you’re not using them I don’t know what happened =(

Iskibiribiri has great news! I think it’s absolutely amazing you’ve gotten this far! I hope this means you can 100% clear this game.

Just a little more! It’s annoying but hang in there ^^
I hope you never play mobile games. :)
(I hate the ones that have a daily login bonus that resets when you miss a day… so stupid….)
And, well… look on the bright side – you have a friend that wanted to hang out with you all day! :D :)