Lulu Rainsong


I have officially succumbed to the curse. The curse that is ESO. Elder Scrolls Online. This will be added to my backlog until the day this game dies. I am fully aware that this game has no Steam Achievements, I don’t give a flying hoo’.

Yup, a friend got it for me as a very early Christmas present.

Edit: Can someone reset my game statistics please?

Arbiter Libera


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Lulu Rainsong

It’s not the first one!!!!

dang nabbit, PWI, you were addictive as bacon.


Can someone reset my game statistics please?

Umm … I need some clarification. I’m guessing you have idle time that you don’t want showing up for the “recently played” stuff? If that’s what you meant, I can hide all the entries there, yes.


inb4 “Would be nice if we could hide entries there ourselves”: Yes. I even prepared that and meant to finish it “later”. And then forgot. Ooops :P

Lulu Rainsong

I need to re-sort every game that I have. Would take quite a lot longer to edit each one individually.