
Well todays a dayoff, its already 2 pm -.-“ time to try and kill necrovision from my SG WON backlog atleast
started from my first wins

edit: cant get this thing to work in windowed mode and alt tabbing seems to crash so thats a deal breaker for now, i’d prob have to wait when theres nothing else distracting me where i can play it without being distracted enough to alt tab and crash

Going for Zombie driver HD for now


Good luck that game looks decent :)


thanks! sorry my reply was late but it was indeed very fun, and would like to play it again, i like driving around making squishies under my tires.

i didnt expect BLAEO to be the type of place for replies and such so i never bothered to check until a certain someone reminded me to check it out again
or until i get more time to attack my backlog


I like to comment on people’s posts and I do check it very often like 1 time per 2 days or something like that.

CleaningSimp twitter

Okay ferret. OKAY.


awkward santa is awkward


This comment was deleted over 8 years ago.