Update: April 7, 2016
Hi everyone! I haven’t updated in quiiiite a while, huh.. That’s because I’ve been down a rabbit hole called “Dying Light”. I’ll have that as a review for Backlog Attack for this month soon.
I also made some progress in my smaller backlog since last time, too!
The Last NightMary - A Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia: A pretty simple horror/puzzle/adventure game where you basically traverse a maze, avoiding the monster and doing puzzles. It’s too dull for my taste, but it’s a pretty well made game.
LowCoBall: Basically a foosball simulator. I loved this game!
Labyrinth Simulator: You’re in a maze… I guess you have to get out? The game doesn’t even lock your mouse cursor to the window. I don’t have the patience for this.
Louie Cooks: The game says it requires a microphone to play. Also, it’s compatible with VR. So… Two things… I’m too lazy to set up a microphone right now, and I think it’s best if I play it again when I get VR.
I’ll have a First Few Minutes video of The Last NightMary up soon.
I also uploaded three videos to my Youtube channel since my last update! Yay! Click the images below!
That’s it for today. Until next time!

A VR cooking game? I think I’ll just go to the kitchen and make something I can truly eat and enjoy;).Good luck though, and have fun with your backlog for April!
Labyrinth Simulator is awful. x_x
I don’t know if it’s worth waiting to set up VR for Louie Cooks. I played it without and it certainly didn’t seem like something that would be overly enhanced with it. It’s mostly voice based aside from a couple of “attacks”.