So I haven’t updated recently!
At the beginning of last month I completed Randalls Monday. Was itching for another game with voice acting the other day.
So played threw The dark eye: Chains of Satinav another Daedalic Entertainment title. (finished 100%ing it today)
Just downloaded Memoria too my pc to give it a shot as well :D since i enjoyed Chains of Satinav
With point and click games I prefer to play it with guides X)
Since the games i enjoy for difficulty are mostly rogue likes :) I find the pacing of these point and click games a nice way to relax in between those that kill me over and over.
Another really laid back game i have tried out recently Slime Rancher. It runs really easily and looks great. It seems they are still working on content. So for those
that prefer to play when finished, this is a nice one to keep an eye on.
I have lots to do as it as it just got a new update. I immediately jumped on and unlocked the new area. Now need to farm some slimes for plorts (slimes poop these out whenever they eat the food you give them. You can break them down or sell them which is basic cycle of slime ranching)
Bit simple, but I like it :)
Games always bringing me so much happiness ^ ^
Hope everyone else is enjoying the fight against the evil backlog! :D
Hm, if you Rogue-Like is a genre you enjoy you should maybe check your Steam Library again: One Way Heroics and Teleglitch are both games which kill you over and over again (same for Crypt of the Necrodancer and Super House of the Dead Ninjas although you played those a bit already). You should also take a look at Our Darker Purpose.
Really awesome recommended games :D I have not gotten very far and been saving crypt of necrodancer for a rainy day, I love the music a bunch. Listened to the soundtracks on youtube a ton heh.
Super house of dead ninja is so fast paced, i am terrible at it (I need to watch some videos fighting pass the 1 armed samurai guy that keeps killing me. Waiting for a sale on the little dlc for it too.) But its quite enjoyable with all the unlockables!
Our darker purpose i have had an eye on for a while, was hoping it would be bundled again X). May end up picking it up on one of its sales since it seems to have pretty good ones fairly often.
I heard binding of isaac rebirth is getting another dlc in coming few months so may grab the first dlc for it if it gos on sale when they release afterbirth+. One way heroics has amazing reviews, i really need to give it a shot. Have had it in my backlog for so freakin long XD
Teleglitch is the first rogue like i think i got on steam only played it a little bit. But was enough to get me interested in the others X)
I have many goodtimes ahead with my current library.
thanks for the response friend ^ ^
Well, those are all games I played a lot. So I can recommand them easily. As for Super House of the Dead Ninjas. You should keep trying. The one armed samurai is the second to last boss. Although I admit the game is pretty fast.
As four Our Darker Purpose. Just buy it on sale. It is often there for 80 % or even 85 %. And the game is worth a lot more than that.