Novemeber started out so good
…the last two weeks not so much
Titan Quest and BioShock Infinite were my next two projects. They’re turning out to be BIG projects. I thought I was nearing the end on both of them, but I was so wrong! Act III in Titan Quest surprised me; I was starting to get bored with the game so after turning literally every stone in the first two acts, I rushed Act III - and finished it!
But then it turns out there’s also an Act IV (I suppose that’s the expansion Titan Quest Immortal Throne)… Not sure when I’ll get around to rushing through that :D
BioShock Infinite… as I said, I thought I was nearing the end, but then I happened to be looking at some online guide for something, and it looks like I’m at part 28 of 40. I have been rushing a few chapters but there’s still a good way to go before I can say I have finished the game I’m afraid!
So I need something else to mix into my playtime… Faerie Solitaire should be good, but I haven’t been able to motivate myself to starting it up since August.
Something I should prioritize “soon” is updating my attack plan. Yay, I did that just now :D
Shadow Puppeteer would be nice, I remember really enjoying that (even playing it solo), not sure why I stopped… I also installed Shelter and Shelter 2, as they should be easy games to finish (which should bring motivation to keep fighting the backlog!). I started The Wolf Among Us but it didn’t really catch my attention… I think I’ll try that again.

The UI seems to have changed from what I remember. Is this the new edition? I also got bored and rush the babylonian (act 3?) part onwards.

Yeah I’m playing the Anniversary Edition. I spent half an hour getting the original to play in English instead of German, before I realized I had the Anniversary Edition :D
I’ve started using howlongtobeat to gauge how much i’ll have to invest in a game and pick them accordingly.
I use that too with Enhanced Steam, but I often find it to be way off compared to my own playing time… It’s possible I simply suck at playing games ;)
Titan Quest Anniversay Edition, for example, is listed as 28 hours for main story and 37 hours for main story and extras. I’m currently at 45 hours with 3 out of 4 acts played, of which I rushed the third one and did everything on the first two…
So far it was pretty accurate for me. Just checked my playthrough of Titan Quest AE. it took me 27 hours to beat all IV acts.