May Roundup
Hey Assassins,
I’ve beaten a few games in May and I want to let you know about it. First of all, as alway, a game, that BLAEO doesn’t show up, because Steam restricted the profile funkctions (and I really don’t know, why they do it with some games).
8/10, Playtime 5 hours, Achievements 6 out of 12
A really wonderful Game. Actually I expected this game was more adventure like with a bit more gameplay, but it ended up beeing a VN with decision making..
But I never saw such a great implementing for a VN. The pixel artstyle fits perfectly. The characters are believable and interesting written.
There are 4 chapters in the game, in which you’re going to know 3 inhabitans from Windy Meadow better. In chapter 4 everything’s connecting and you have to make hard decisions.
I totally recommend this game.
Now we come to the games, that BLAEO shows up.
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek
3.2 hours, 14 of 19 achievements
A solid HOG, but not half as good as the second part of the series "9 Clues". But if you're a HOG-Fan, I recommended to you. The story is a bit weird, but hey, it's a HO Game, the story has to be weird. ;) I'm sure you already have this game or it will come to a bundle in the next time. Then go ahead and play it.
Ok, this one is for kids, but I wouldn't play it with mine. I don't know what to say about this "game" - just skip it, ok?
The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
0.9 hours, 5 of 6 achievements
A super cute game to play, when you come home from a long day and just want to relax a little.
This game is very charming and got some nice humor. You don't need to think a lot and the game is very short (not even an hour).
But it's totally worth it. Buy it on sale. Recommended!
20.2 hours, 14 of 56 achievements
Wow! Just wow! This game is so brilliant, so well written, the characters are so reliable, the decisions are so hard to make. You really need to play this game, if you like Adventures, Point&Click, Pixelart, Indie, Decisionmaking, Detective, Fantasy or whatever. Everyone shuld play this masterpiece! The only thing, why it gets no 10 out of 10, is the missing german translation. Maybe they will add it in the future, and I would love to play it again.
Yoku's Island Express
6.8 hours, 15 of 31 achievements
This game is so cute and very innovative. I have never seen a game like this before. It's a mix of Flipper and Metroidvania with a cute story. The artstyle is awesome and the gameplay is very intuitive and a lot of fun. The length of the mainstory is perfect imo and there are a lot more to achieve beside or after it. Highly recommend it to everyone!
Kingmaker: Rise to the Throne
4.0 hours, 12 of 18 achievements
Great HOG with well-known Artifex quality. Nothing more to say. If you like HOGs, you should play it, but please don't buy this at full price. 15 Euros are way to much for an HOG, even from Artifex. They really should reduce their prices. I think, 7 or 8 Euros would be ok for full price, but what Artifex do, is sheer robbery!
Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief
3.9 hours, 16 of 17 achievements
Also a great Artifex HOG. I played it in one turn. I recommend it!
The last game I’ve played it May needs some extra attention!
7.3 hours, 16 of 27 achievements
Lorelai is the third and last part of Mr. Michalski's trilogie in "The Cat Lady" universe. I love Cat Lady and Downfall so much, one of the best games ever made in my opinion.
The soundtrack is heartbreaking, the story is so great, I can't describe it. The artstyle is hillarious and very unique. The controls are a little bit clunky first, but you get into it really fast! And if you have played Cat Lady or Downfall before, there should be no problem.
I highly recommend to play these 3 games to everyone. Please. :)
On one way, I'm really sad, that Lorelai is the last part, but the developer say's, that he's planning to create more games but in a different universe. Can't wait to hear or see more about it.
That was all for May. Let’s see what June brings.
Keep on assassinating!

Glad to hear you liked Unavowed and Wadjet hasn’t broken their streak of P&C excellence.
Nice progress– thanks for the write-up. Based on your recommendation, I’ve added Yoku to my son’s wishlist.