Lotheneil vs. The Backlog Hydra, Ep. #18
The last title of the Challenge Me! list completed and the ABC challenge is almost wrapped up too. Yay me :) While lists are nice, I believe I’ll do some ad-hoc backlog killing for a while afterwards. Targets of this weeks were:
A survival game in cartoony isometric style a majority of people here most probably know. It's really fun to explore the world, find new ways to interact with environment and build a sustainable base. After some time it got a bit boring to me though - while I won't claim I've discovered everything the game has to offer, after learning most mechanics and building most tools to be able to survive more or less infinitely, the game become quite repetitive.
Status: beaten. As I wrote above, I've discovered most main mechanics, created a sustainable base (in survival mode), found Maxwell's doors and walked through them. After that I've considered the playthrough finished and called it a day. While the game was really fun at first, after some time I've got bored with repetitive actions.
Your average part of the LEGO series - some running around destroying things for studs, some easy puzzles, cutscenes rehearsing main events of the books/movies' plots in pantomime. As I am not exactly an avid fan of Harry Potter series (though potterverse fanfics remain my all-time guilty pleasure) I don't know the plot of latter parts of the series too well - and LEGO games in general, and this one in particular is not known for their attention to story - if you don't know what should be happening in the scene you see, you won't really know what's going on. Adding to that significant performance issues of the title (large FPS drops for no particular reason, and judging from Steam reviews I am not the only one suffering from that), I'd recommend the game only for the most die-hard fans of J.K. Rowling's works.
Status: beaten. I've finished the main plot and had no urge to even start playing in free mode to gather collectibles.

LHP was one of my daughter’s favorite games to watch me play. Actually, she participated in a little co-op too, but I found it much easier to play solo, because the split screen stuff would hurt my eyes after a while Anyway, needless to say we spent many hours getting it (and its predecessor) to 100%! Didn’t have any performance problems, and my rig’s from 2012.
Man, last LEGO game I played was the Star Wars Saga one. How would you compare LEGO Harry Potter to other LEGO games?
I’ve never played Star Wars Saga, so I can’t compare with that one. I’d consider it pretty average (performance issues notwithstanding, as not everyone experiences them). Characters (at least the magic users) are more versatile than usually (as they have up to 8 spells and abilities/items), so you don’t have to switch between them in free mode as often as in other games (where they have one or two at most). The plot is not very detailed, you need to know the story to understand what’s going on. It’s not bad, but if you’re looking for something to play from LEGO series, I believe Lord of the Rings to be much better.
Interesting. I forget, do they have actual VA or is still pantomime? Really need to get around to them one day.
LEGO LotR has actual voice acting - as the only title I know to do so :)