
Lotheneil vs. The Backlog Hydra, Ep. #21

This week was quite busy for me and I feel braindead at the moment… so the report is quite brief. Oh well, better than nothing… I think :)

Defend Your Life

Defend Your Life

9.4 hours
17 of 20 achievements

A very solid tower defense game with setting that brings "Once Upon a Time… Life" series to mind. By building towers along the lines we defend human body from bacteria and viruses. Well developed game mechanics (several level of tower upgrades, additional global bonuses and even levelling up a hero that walks around the map helping stationary defense destroy opponents) make this title worth playing for any enthusiasts of the genre.

Status: complete - even though there are three more achievements to obtain, they are of a typical mindless and useless grinding variety - not worth my time.

And the steam hydra has found my wallet and robbed it. As a result, Tales of Berseria and Darksiders 2 proudly join my backlog :)