April report
Hello Assassins!
Again late, this time due to short vacation. Better late than never I guess.
4 hours playtime
34 of 34 achievements
8 hours playtime
20 of 20 achievements
The Butterfly Sign
3 hours playtime
12 of 13 achievements
The Butterfly Sign: Human Error
2 hours playtime
72 of 89 achievements
Murdered: Soul Suspect
13 hours playtime
48 of 48 achievements
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
55 hours playtime
50 of 50 achievements
The Swapper
6 hours playtime
10 of 10 achievements
Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One
2 hours playtime
16 of 33 achievements
21 hours playtime
43 of 43 achievements
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition
20 hours playtime
58 of 58 achievements
ICEY*: good story. Not listening to narrator, exploring all the areas and getting achievements is the only way to see all of it. I did not like the fighting though.
35MM*: story is alright but the game is a bit too slow (e.g. you have to wait for your companion to slowly walk to end of the level, or you are traveling on a trolley for a few minutes), and it is poorly translated.
The Butterfly Sign*: seemed like a promising detective game but it is only first episode that is very short (took me ~68 minutes) and optimization is horrible, only Arkham Knight run so bad on my PC so far. Wouldn’t be bad…
The Butterfly Sign: Human Error**: ..if not the second episode that is a joke. In second chapter you visit the same locations, you can solve the same cases (they are not required to progress the game but they give tons of achievements. Actually you get an achievement for almost every click…), there are two cases to solve added and a few are removed. At the end you get an additional cutscene. In total about 5-6 minutes of new content, this should be free update and not a separate game.
Murdered: Soul Suspect: after Butterfly Sign disaster I wanted to play a real detective game, and had one sitting in library for a while. It is really good, though the demons are annoying and you can’t really fail a case. There is a lot of collectibles but they provide some backstory so it is not that bad.
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition*: this time you play as Death in story parallel to Darksiders. Game is as good as first part, but with more RPG elements. If you would like to play DLC please mind that The Demon Lord Belial is a complete mess. Massive amount of bugs, most could be avoided by exiting and loading game again but I encountered game braking bug where I couldn’t continue, and only way to complete it was to start the new game+ and run DLC again (but fighting Belial on deathinitive difficulty was not fun at all).
The Swapper*: great game, if you like puzzle games you should definitely try this one.
Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One*: I won this game when it was in early access and I have waited a long time for when it is completed. And I guess that I had too high expectations… Story is pretty bad, FPS can be anything between 15 and 160, you can get stuck in environment, and the worst thing of all - it just wasn’t fun to play it. Music is alright though.
Darksiders*: well, I liked the series so much I decided to play also the original version of Darksiders ;-) I’m glad to hear there will be Darksiders 3!
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition: started the game on hard to speed up achievement hunting and it was not a good idea - it is really hard! Additionally there is so many collectibles in the game that I started wandering if there are people that actually have fun in collecting those? For me this was ridiculous… Other than that this is a great game and I highly recommend it! DLC is also good and offers completely different gameplay than main game.
* - SG win
** - technically SG win - got this because of gifter mistake
Alan Wake: completed Nightmare run and got a few achievements I missed before.
Current status
Current | Change since last report |
181 games | +7 |
26% never played (47) | -5 |
7% unfinished (12) | |
13% beaten | |
52% completed | |
3799 achievements | +504 |
62 perfect games | +8 |
89% avg. game completion rate |
Won on SG status

Thanks for the update. I had difficulty saving my progress in The Butterfly Sign, so I dropped it. Should I re-visit it?
Did you use a guide for Swapper, Murdered. and ENSLAVED? Those are some pretty quick 100% completions. I’ve been intrigued by ENSLAVED for a long time, but I think I would suck at it– and it did look like too many collectibles and other difficult achievements to make it something I’d enjoy. Does it have an Easy setting?

To be honest I think I did not use save in The Butterfly Sign, I think I finished first playthrough in one go (as i mentioned it took only 68 minutes).
Yes, I used guides. While playing Swapper when I found my first secret it was in reality 3rd or 4th so I decided to have a look on a guide to not waste time on traveling to them later. For Murdered I used a map in museum (it is the only location that cannot be revisited later), and video guides for the supernatural graffiti. I think I also used video guides for a few collectibles I couldn’t found. For Enslaved I used a written orb collection guide and I had a look on achievement guide for missable achievements - there are few that could be obtained on the end of chapters, so I backed up my save to have possibility of replay achievement related section without restarting whole chapter.
Enslaved has an easy setting, I think that normal should also be bearable. Hard difficulty was really hard without upgrades :-/ If you would skip hard difficulty (or at least choose it for second playthrough) and collectables this is a really good game.

I enjoyed Murdered a lot. It was somewhat different and even I couldn’t fail it for what ever reason :]
Still have to get back to Enslaved. But since I got gaming sickness with that one…. it might take a while ;) But I enjoyed it as far as I played it - I’m kinda worried I might have been close to the end when I finally gave up o.O
Hope you had a nice vacation :)
Happy (backlog) killing!

There are achievements for completing each chapters - I think there were 15 in total, looking at your achievements you finished 8, so you were past the middle of the game :-)
This was my first real break since 2 years, and Venice, Bologna and Florence provided very nice attractions ;-)
Happy killing Ninglor!
What a great collection of games - great stuff! You killed in April. About half of those are on my wish-I-had-more-time Soon List.
I chose several short games so this was my most successful killing month so far :-) Some of these games were really great, I hope you will find time to beat them.