Finished two long games - first games finished in 2018!
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
128 hours playtime
54 of 78 achievements
GRID Autosport
50 hours playtime
42 of 60 achievements
That’s around 180 hours of gaming, and my first two games finished in 2018. That’s what happens when you play time consuming games - it takes a few months before the first game of the year is done :D
I finished the main storyline in Witcher III, after starting to play it in November - I started the first game in August and played the full trilogy back to back, so it’s been over half a year of the trilogy. and I’m not done yet, I have both expansions for Witcher III to play through. I’m also doing a quick run through the game again on Death March difficulty to get all achievements, but I’ll wait a bit with it and play a few other games in between. That way I won’t run out of unplayed Witcher III content too soon ;)
GRID Autosport was a game I started playing in 2016, and have played for a few hours every now and then. I enjoy racing games, but they tend to demand quite a lot of time, and I prefer to mix in some other types of games in between, that’s why my 50 hours were spread out over three different years :D
I have two more games I’ll be done with very soon, somewhere between 1-5 hours left in each game:
7 hours playtime
29 of 38 achievements
Life Is Strange
7 hours playtime
36 of 60 achievements
After that I’ll start playing a few new games, these are the ones I’m thinking about right now:
Endless Legend
0 minutes playtime
0 of 114 achievements
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
0 minutes playtime
0 of 60 achievements
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
0 minutes playtime
0 of 191 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 80 achievements
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
0 minutes playtime
0 of 34 achievements
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard / BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil
0 minutes playtime
0 of 58 achievements
As you can probably guess, I’m in the mood for some strategy :) There are two non strategy games there as well - LIS: Before the Storm is a game I really want to play as soon as I’m done with the first game, and RE7 is a game that’s been pretty high up on my list of games I want to play, and a game I was thinking about playing as soon as I was done with Witcher III.

Seems like you’re in for some long games again ;) But good choices, I’d say! Also congratz on (more or less) finishing the Witcher trilogy.

Thanks! “More or less”, well, I’m guessing the expansions plus Death March will have me playing at least 50 more hours (which is more than I spent in any of the first two games) :D
Finished the other two games and started playing Endless Legend, Shadowrun: HK, LiS: BTS and RE7, I’ll probably have a Witcher pause until I’m done with at least one of the shorter ones :)
This might probably be a stupid question, but how does one make those game preview thumbnails? That mention game statistics, like playtime and achievements.
The markdown syntax guide (https://www.backlog-assassins.net/help/markdown) does not mention anything in that regard.
Not stupid at all :)
Check this guide I wrote a while back, I mention it there, towards the end of the post.
Ah, I understand.
Thanks for your help! :)