
100%ed A Boy and His Blob!
I have no clue how to add a picture of the game with the playtime and achievements like most posts have
Thanks Spitfyr for helping me with that:

  • A Boy and His Blob
    A Boy and His Blob

    15 hours playtime

    21 of 21 achievements

Over the past three days I finished ABAHB in my free time. It’s a charming little platformer game! The movement of the boy feels sluggish, which can be tough to work with when any enemy collision is instant death, and the pacing is fairly slow.
However, I still enjoyed the game! It has a nice feel to it, in my opinion. It was as long as it needed to be, and there’s a decent variation in mechanics that is brought with every transformation the blob can perform after eating a specific flavour of jelly bean.

I never played the original, which according to a lot of (nostalgic) players was better. Perhaps I should check it out sometime. After I get rid of my entire Steam library to check out sometime.

What I do know is that I really want some jelly beans right now.


You may insert the HTML into you post, at least this is how I did it:

<ul class='games' id='games'>
<li class='game game-completed game-thumbnail' data-item='aojq98g'>
<div class='title'>
A Boy and His Blob
<a href='http://store.steampowered.com/app/281200' target='_blank'>
<img alt='A Boy and His Blob' src='http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/281200/d543c38e3256efcf0c2b05a8c6b28695a68b076b.jpg'>
<div class='caption'>
<p>15 hours playtime</p>
<p>21 of 21 achievements</p>
  • A Boy and His Blob
    A Boy and His Blob

    15 hours playtime

    21 of 21 achievements


Ah, clever! Thanks for your assistance!

Lucky Thirteen

Awesome, I was wondering about the source code too. Thanks Spitfyr! \o/