
A Year of Backlog Fight in Review

I finally assembled all the stats and put some images together to make it prettier, here comes my yearly summary. 2021 was way more brutal than expected on so many levels, and it took a toll on the backlog fight for a few months. However, the stats are less awful than I initially anticipated.

If I had to reduce my favourite games to a top 3, I’ll keep Alba, Death’s Door and The Wild at Heart. Still, I loved all the games that made the top 15 and I strongly recommend them.

Finished: 67
Beaten: 41
Completed: 26
Added to the Backlog of Doom: 74
Best month: January (-7)
Worst month: December (+10)

Backlog of Doom

Almost but not quite

Month Finished Backlog+ Balance
January 12 5
February 9 9
March 6 6
April 3 9
May 3 6
June 2 3
July 12 11
August 7 5
September 5 0
October 2 4
November 3 3
December 3 13
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
The Wild at Heart
Ocean's Heart
Monster Sanctuary
Death's Door
Cozy Grove
Subnautica: Below Zero
Garden Story
It Takes Two
Mini Motorways
Marco and the Galaxy Dragon

Like I said in the intro, the stats are less awful than I initially anticipated, because I somehow still managed to control what I added to the backlog. Still not a victory over the backlog, but a better ratio than last year.

That being said, I'm not really happy in the progress I made in the challenges I had set for myself or with the way I went back to old bad habits of starting a lot of games and not finishing them despite loving them. More on how I intend to try and fix that in the next section.

Progress in 2021

Won on SteamGifts

Jan 1st (173 games) vs Dec 31th 2021 (175 games)
36% never played
3% unfinished
32% beaten
28% completed
35% never played
5% unfinished
32% beaten
29% completed

Gifts & Other Wins

Jan 1st (395 games) vs Dec 31th 2021 (428 games)
0% won't play
52% never played
11% unfinished
19% beaten
17% completed
0% won't play
51% never played
11% unfinished
20% beaten
18% completed

As I said, I've gone back to the bad habit of not finishing what I start, not because I don't like the game but because I get distracted by something else. As a direct consequence, some of my favourite games I played this year didn't make it to my Top 15. I think Skatr's 20/22 challenge is such a great idea. I am definitely gonna adapt it to my needs (and probably only pick from my unfinished games). I'll post about that in the next days and insert a link here when it's ready. The masterpost has been made.

My other pet peeve about how the backlog fight went is how little progress I made in the Tag Challenge despite picking games I really wanted to play soon. I'm gonna try to focus more on those and make better progress on it than this year. We'll see how it goes, but I have to be able to do better than 2, right? RIGHT ? *sweats*

State of the Targets on January 1st 2022 (for tracking purpose)

Won on SteamGifts 175 games

35% never played
5% unfinished
32% beaten
29% completed

Gifts & Other Wins 428 games

0% won't play
51% never played
11% unfinished
20% beaten
18% completed

Added in 2021 80 games

35% never played
18% unfinished
26% beaten
22% completed


Smh now sheep remembers monster sanctuary exists but not for the blaeo game awards nominees.

Still, I loved all the games that made the top 15 and I strongly recommend them.

Wait, that’s illegal. I actually had exactly 15 picks to sift through for my top 8 list as well, but I definitely wasn’t as excited about the entire list


Smh now sheep remembers monster sanctuary exists but not for the blaeo game awards nominees.

Fair enough, I thought it was 2020 :sweat

Also you need to start playing good games (or at least that you enjoy) to be able to make an ez top.


This comment was deleted about 3 years ago.


I’m so glad you could grab it before the end of the sale. Alba is such a heartwarming little game (and really my favourite I’ve played last year despite it being a lot shorter than the other 2 in my top 3) that definitely deserves more love. I hope you enjoy it <3


There’s a mistake in the battle plan, it doesn’t seem to include “receiving lots of games”