
Backlog Assassination : May 2020

Hey guys, how was May for you ? I hope everything is going on your side, that the current and pasts problems aren’t causing you any issue. I know my presence have been more than sporadic lately, I’m suffering from chronic illnesses and they didn’t take a break, instead increasing those pasts three months, leaving me mostly drained and sleeping whenever I could. Hopefully this month will be better for everybody, I’m crossing my fingers for all of you as much as for myself.


I managed to play a bunch of games and the new Steam Link will help me to play even more of those in the future (at least I hope I can play my VN >_< !), technology will never cease to amaze me.

9% completed
1% beaten
3% unfinished
86% never played
1% Won't play

Planned Assassination

Bonus Assassination

ABC Challenge Progression

15% completed
0% beaten
15% unfinished
69% never played

Best Of This Month

  • Healer’s Quest : I was a little afraid with that one game as the video presenting it are showing a healer with a “victim” complex and as I’m playing healer in MMO since over 10 years now, I was scared of seeing the whole party step on my character, which is something I DON’T let anybody do when I play. FORTUNATELY, you actually have 3 different temper for your healer and victim is only one of those, the two others being Good and Evil. I of course picked the last and seeing the healer defending himself and not letting the others step on him is a joy to read.
    The only complication is when one of the party members is misbehaving, the healer refuses to heal them. And sometimes they die.. And I actually enjoy that, DIE PEON, REALIZE WHO IS THE GOD HERE, I HAVE THE POWER TO LET YOU LIVE OR DIE. NO CRITIC OR NO RAISE.

This month is the Pride month. As every year now, I’m having a big smile when June approaches as I now know where I belong to and don’t feel like being an oddity, an anomaly.

Don’t forget to celebrate your difference and to be proud to be yourself. That’s the most important, okay ?


Dear Devere looks absolutely gorgeous, will definitely be playing that soon. Thanks for putting it on my radar!

Bone Marrow as well looks like a solid little game if you’re into that sort of thing. I’m diggin’ the pixel art. Nice reviews, have fun with your June games. :)


Dear Devere is really nice, I really liked that it’s fully voiced, it’s short but really good. Bone Marrow is super interesting, I saw it once on SG and I knew I needed to have it, I like 2048 way too much.


I never heard about Healer’s Quest, but it looks fun! I’m putting it in my wishlist. And have fun with Witcher 1, I couldn’t get into it myself but it seems like a lot of people enjoy it.


There are two other “healer” games beside this one :
The second being more similar to healing in MMORPG Raids.