guys, I actually already finished quite a few games that I have on my steam account, while i was mainly or only a console gamer. how would you mark them here? beaten, even if i have 0 minutes on steam, or won’t play?

What I did was mark them according to how they were finished elsewhere (unfinished, beaten, etc.) and added a custom group “Have played elsewhere” to indicate this. I also have a group, “Would play elsewhere” to denote that I would play it on a console, DRM-free build, etc. I also use that when there are different versions of games, like The Vanishing of Ethan Carter….I’ll only be playing the Remastered Edition, so I marked the original version “Won’t Play” and “Would play elsewhere.”
But do what you want– there are no rules. :)

I mark them as beaten, unless there’s been content added since. I also created a list indicating which ones I’ve beaten previously, so people know when picking games for me etc. But it really is up to you what you’d like to do. I see no reason not to mark it as beaten. :)

Much like Trent and Jaffa I also have marked them as beaten/completed while at the same time have created a separate list “Finished off Steam” that has only those on. There’s no hard rules about it, you can mark them however you’d like.

Whatever you like - I mark them as beaten, and I also have a list on my profile specifically for games I have beaten away from my Steam account. (Console, or with a friend on his account, etc)

+1, I’d mark them beaten and I have this. I think using a custom list for a more detailed tag is what you were looking for. (You could just as well mark the games “won’t play” and use a custom list to say “at least not on Steam” – but in my opinion using “beaten” or “completed” plus some custom tag describes it better.)
Even if they have 0 minutes on steam, I would still mark them as beaten or completed. I mark games as completed instead of beaten if I get all the trophies/achievements or if I have seen all that the game has to show.