
Lotheneil vs. The Backlog Hydra, Ep. #7

Two more targets off ABC Challenge project list - assasination of targets H and I confirmed.
Because I’m a lazy person, I took advantage of kubikill’s bar generator - it’s a way too good tool to let it gather dust in some abandoned corner of the webspace :).

Heroes of Annihilated Empires

12 hours of playtime, no achievements

Verdict: neutral leaning negative RTS with some RPG elements - some missions are played with main character only, or with a small entourage with no access to the base of operation, there are some fedex-like quests where you can get some new equipment and experience levels give passive stat bonuses. Towards the end of the game the hero gets so powered up, that creating an army, even if it is offered, is unnecesary - he can happily steamroll through the whole map on his own. The game has two main problems though - the gameplay was boring and repetitive, which bundled together with uninspired plot and arrogant know-it-all main character required a lot of patience and fortitude on my part to finish the title.
Note, that contrary to a lot of oppinions posted across the internet I had no technical problems with the title whatsoever.

Status: beaten There are no side activities apart from the main plot, so I could have just as well marked it as ‘completed’, but considering I’ve rushed the last third of the campaign and didn’t care about Skirmish mode in the slightest, green it is.

iBomber Defense Pacific

9 hours of playtime, 17 of 25 achievements

Verdict: positive A very decent tower defense game, if not exactly innovatory. We build towers and shoot down the creeps coming the way of our HQ, gather money to buy more towers before stronger enemies arrive - rinse and repeat thorough 22 levels times 3 difficulties. One mechanics that stands out is option to dig in the towers, that changes their attack range from circular to narrow cone. Towers can (and should) be rotated in this state, which makes the gameplay a bit more engaging than it is usually the case.

Status: beaten Finished on Easy, there are two more difficulty levels each stage can be beaten in, but I’ve got slightly bored with the game towards the end - as the gameplay is quite repetitive. I’ll probably go back to the title someday to complete it though.


I caved and bought myself Humble Monthly bundle. But I simply could not say no to God Eater 2 (that came with the first instance of the series for free) and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I’m still unsure what to do with Civilization: Beyond Earth (replacement for Mafia III, that was no available in my region for some reason) as I’m not exactly a huge fan of the genre. We’ll see.


Lazy people unite! I’ll use it for my monthly post too from now on :3

But I simply could not say no to God Eater 2 (that came with the first instance of the series for free)

good luck with those, I heard they take away a lot of time >_>