Beaten 239 games

Game Achievements Playtime
7 Wonders: The Treasures of Seven
about 14 hours
A Hat in Time
91% (42 of 46) about 38 hours
A Story About My Uncle
14% (2 of 15) about 3 hours
66% (16 of 24) about 9 hours
About Love, Hate and the other ones
about 2 hours
20 minutes
Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom
94% (33 of 35) about 14 hours
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
100% (12 of 12) about 13 hours
Aliens: Colonial Marines
56% (34 of 60) about 12 hours
21 minutes
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
0% (0 of 7) about 4 hours
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
0% (0 of 18) about 10 hours
And Yet It Moves
70% (21 of 30) about 8 hours
50% (3 of 6) about 6 hours
about 8 hours
Aperture Desk Job
19 minutes
Aperture Hand Lab
about 1 hour
about 4 hours
ASA: A Space Adventure - Remastered Edition
about 9 hours
Assassin's Creed
about 35 hours
Assassin's Creed II
about 33 hours
about 10 hours
Back to the Future: Ep 1 - It's About Time
about 3 hours
Bad Dream: Fever
about 3 hours
87% (21 of 24) about 22 hours
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
79% (51 of 64) about 72 hours
Batman: Arkham Knight
81% (92 of 113) about 65 hours
Batman: Arkham Origins
71% (43 of 60) about 50 hours
Beat Saber
84% (22 of 26) about 39 hours
Ben There, Dan That!
about 4 hours
Beyond Good & Evil
about 10 hours
Binary Domain
67% (33 of 49) about 13 hours
about 42 hours
BioShock 2
69% (47 of 68) about 38 hours
BioShock Infinite
77% (62 of 80) about 70 hours
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
69% (18 of 26) about 12 hours
80% (21 of 26) about 10 hours
Black Mirror I
about 16 hours
Black Mirror II
about 19 hours
Black Mirror III
about 16 hours
Blocks That Matter
90% (29 of 32) about 18 hours
Bob Came in Pieces
38% (30 of 81) about 3 hours
Borderlands 2
64% (48 of 75) about 121 hours
Borderlands GOTY
66% (53 of 80) about 45 hours
91% (11 of 12) about 11 hours
Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut (2009)
10 minutes
Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered (2010)
0% (0 of 27) 1 minute
Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon (2003)
6 minutes
Brütal Legend
72% (43 of 59) about 24 hours
Bully: Scholarship Edition
about 22 hours
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
about 9 hours
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD
69% (16 of 23) about 15 hours
about 12 hours
Child of Light
about 17 hours
about 1 hour
Cloud Climber
21 minutes
Crayon Physics Deluxe
40 minutes
Dead Island
85% (41 of 48) about 47 hours
Dead Space (2008)
about 3 hours
96% (30 of 31) about 10 hours
Dear Esther
about 1 hour
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
87% (43 of 49) about 43 hours
DLC Quest
90% (20 of 22) about 5 hours
DmC Devil May Cry
72% (42 of 58) about 19 hours
Doctor Who: The Runaway
13 minutes
49% (26 of 54) about 27 hours
DOOM 3: BFG Edition
69% (45 of 65) about 22 hours
DOOM Eternal
100% (50 of 50) about 129 hours
Draw a Stickman: EPIC
71% (37 of 52) about 5 hours
Driver San Francisco
about 32 hours
Dying Light
74% (58 of 78) about 91 hours
2 minutes
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
about 11 hours
F.E.A.R. 3
32% (16 of 50) about 8 hours
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point
2 minutes
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate
about 5 hours
Face Noir
about 11 hours
Far Cry
about 12 hours
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise
about 1 hour
Frederic: Evil Strikes Back
77% (14 of 18) about 2 hours
Frederic: Resurrection of Music
77% (14 of 18) about 3 hours
Genital Jousting
71% (20 of 28) about 4 hours
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
about 11 hours
about 4 hours
about 1 hour
Gone Home
0% (0 of 10) about 2 hours
Google Spotlight Stories: Back to the Moon
2 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: On Ice
4 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: Pearl
15 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: Piggy
3 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: Rain or Shine
5 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: Son of Jaguar
9 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: Sonaria
4 minutes
Google Spotlight Stories: Special Delivery
4 minutes
about 2 hours
Gray Matter
about 15 hours
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
41 minutes
Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D.
about 2 hours
Half-Life: Source
about 13 hours
Hamlet or the last game without MMORPG features, [...]
about 3 hours
about 10 hours
Hitman: Blood Money
about 16 hours
Hitman: Sniper Challenge
about 4 hours
Home PoP Short (2-8h)
0% (0 of 12) about 3 hours
Hotline Miami
35% (12 of 35) about 4 hours
Human Fall Flat
? about 18 hours
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
about 5 hours
about 4 hours
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
about 1 hour
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
36% (18 of 50) about 7 hours
Injustice™ 2
18% (13 of 74) about 10 hours
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
58% (10 of 17) about 14 hours
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
35% (20 of 58) about 5 hours
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
about 6 hours
Katamari Damacy REROLL
90% (19 of 21) about 8 hours
Late Shift
20% (4 of 20) about 1 hour
Left 4 Dead
56% (41 of 73) about 24 hours
LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame
7 minutes
LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-4
about 25 hours
LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 5-7
about 18 hours
LEGO® Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game
about 2 hours
LEGOⓇ Indiana Jones™: The Original Adventures
about 1 hour
Lili: Child of Geos
89% (41 of 46) about 5 hours
92% (12 of 13) about 7 hours
Little Inferno
0% (0 of 22) about 4 hours
11 minutes
Lost Chronicles of Zerzura
about 10 hours
89% (52 of 58) about 9 hours
about 1 hour
Lumino City
about 5 hours
Machinika Museum
about 3 hours
Madballs in...Babo: Invasion
88% (15 of 17) about 50 hours
about 14 hours
Mafia II (Classic)
71% (48 of 67) about 37 hours
Max Payne
about 5 hours
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
about 5 hours
Max Payne 3
27% (18 of 67) about 12 hours
about 4 hours
Metro 2033 Redux
59% (29 of 49) about 17 hours
Metro: Last Light Complete Edition
30% (21 of 70) about 14 hours
MEVO & the Grooveriders
90% (36 of 40) about 26 hours
Mirror's Edge
about 15 hours
7 minutes
about 3 hours
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst
83% (45 of 54) about 29 hours
Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom
76% (48 of 63) about 105 hours
87% (41 of 47) about 62 hours
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
about 5 hours
Old Man's Journey
about 2 hours
71% (10 of 14) about 13 hours
about 22 hours
Overlord II
about 22 hours
Overlord: Raising Hell
about 22 hours
Penumbra: Black Plague
about 5 hours
Penumbra: Overture
about 8 hours
Penumbra: Requiem
about 1 hour
Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year
61% (13 of 21) about 54 hours
80% (12 of 15) about 24 hours
Portal Reloaded
about 4 hours
Portal Stories: VR
22 minutes
about 11 hours
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
about 8 hours
PROZE: Enlightenment
76% (13 of 17) about 5 hours
Puzzle Bots
about 2 hours
29% (15 of 52) about 4 hours
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
54% (29 of 53) about 5 hours
Quantum Conundrum
68% (17 of 25) about 11 hours
Rayman Legends
18 minutes
Rayman Origins
about 11 hours
Red Faction
about 6 hours
Red Johnson's Chronicles - 1+2 - Steam Special Edition
58% (7 of 12) about 8 hours
Red Trigger
34% (2 of 6) about 1 hour
Resident Evil 4
83% (10 of 12) about 20 hours
Resident Evil 7
65% (38 of 58) about 23 hours
10% (2 of 21) about 3 hours
Return to Mysterious Island
about 6 hours
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
45% (8 of 18) about 3 hours
Rise of the Tomb Raider
56% (81 of 143) about 39 hours
Rock of Ages
63% (12 of 19) about 7 hours
Ryse: Son of Rome
42% (30 of 73) about 8 hours
Scratches: Director's Cut
about 8 hours
Serious Sam 3: BFE
61% (38 of 62) about 25 hours
Shadow Complex Remastered
71% (28 of 39) about 10 hours
Shadowrun Returns
about 23 hours
91% (11 of 12) about 5 hours
47% (14 of 30) about 5 hours
Sigils of Elohim
about 3 hours
52% (24 of 46) about 10 hours
Silence of the Sleep
about 7 hours
Sinking Island
about 12 hours
STAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition
about 12 hours
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
59% (16 of 27) about 8 hours
SteamWorld Dig
70% (17 of 24) about 5 hours
Still Life
about 9 hours
Still Life 2
about 13 hours
Stray Cat Crossing
about 2 hours
Super Meat Boy
28% (13 of 48) about 21 hours
76% (20 of 26) about 9 hours
43% (11 of 26) about 2 hours
Swords and Soldiers HD
72% (18 of 25) about 9 hours
about 23 hours
Syberia 2
about 8 hours
System Shock® 2 (Classic)
about 14 hours
Tales of Monkey Island
about 5 hours
Tesla Effect
about 10 hours
The Adventures of Fatman
about 4 hours
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
about 5 hours
The Baconing
91% (11 of 12) about 13 hours
The Binding of Isaac
38% (37 of 99) about 32 hours
The Book of Unwritten Tales
about 14 hours
The Evil Within
48% (34 of 71) about 41 hours
The Expendabros
about 1 hour
The Journey Down: Chapter One
about 2 hours
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
about 4 hours
The Journey Down: Chapter Two
about 4 hours
The Land of Pain
about 3 hours
The Lion's Song
77% (67 of 86) about 10 hours
The Longest Journey
about 47 hours
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
91% (11 of 12) about 6 hours
The Path
about 21 hours
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
about 16 hours
The Stanley Parable
80% (8 of 10) about 5 hours
The Tiny Bang Story
about 3 hours
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill
72% (24 of 33) about 8 hours
Tick Tock Isle
about 3 hours
Tick Tock: A Tale for Two
about 2 hours
Tick's Tales
84% (11 of 13) about 2 hours
Time Gentlemen, Please!
about 8 hours
Tomb Raider
70% (35 of 50) about 25 hours
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
about 17 hours
Twin Sector
about 7 hours
Undertale Won on SteamGifts
about 17 hours
Urban Trial Freestyle
83% (10 of 12) about 6 hours
Vacation Simulator
53% (14 of 26) about 10 hours
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
about 9 hours
16% (3 of 19) about 3 hours
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition
45% (27 of 60) about 14 hours
about 11 hours
about 4 hours