Won't play 192 games

Game Achievements Playtime
3% (2 of 83) 3 minutes
7,62 High Calibre
about 4 hours
0% (0 of 22) 1 minute
AdVenture Capitalist
20% (6 of 31) about 9 hours
Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition
3% (1 of 44) about 5 hours
Age of Empires Online
1 minute
AI War: Fleet Command
0% (0 of 322) 3 minutes
18% (16 of 91) about 13 hours
Alan Wake
38% (25 of 67) about 6 hours
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
4% (7 of 198) 43 minutes
Alpha Runner
0% (0 of 20) about 1 hour
America's Army: Proving Grounds
0% (0 of 100) about 7 hours
Among Trees March 2023 Acquisitions
20% (3 of 15) about 3 hours
Anomaly Zone
21 minutes
0 minutes
about 1 hour
ARK: Survival Of The Fittest
0 minutes
Arma 2: DayZ Mod
6 minutes
Arma: Cold War Assault
about 6 hours
Artist Idle
48% (10 of 21) about 28 hours
Autobahn Police Simulator
0% (0 of 26) 6 minutes
AVA – Alliance of Valiant Arms
6% (4 of 76) about 1 hour
17% (10 of 59) about 4 hours
72% (16 of 22) about 4 hours
Battle Islands
7% (6 of 96) about 1 hour
Battleplan: American Civil War
0% (0 of 95) about 1 hour
Black Squad
14% (5 of 36) about 1 hour
6% (7 of 131) about 4 hours
Business Tour - Online Multiplayer Board Game
22% (4 of 19) about 17 hours
Campaign Clicker
0% (0 of 11) about 2 hours
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga September 2023 Acquisitions
8% (1 of 14) 19 minutes
Chair Simulator
9 minutes
Chernobyl Commando
25 minutes
Chicken Labyrinth Puzzles
about 2 hours
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
3% (1 of 49) about 16 hours
Codename CURE
3% (1 of 44) 9 minutes
Crazy Belts
0% (0 of 10) 1 minute
Cry of Fear
20 minutes
0% (0 of 66) 1 minute
0% (0 of 13) 13 minutes
Cubic Castles
34 minutes
Darkwind: War on Wheels
5 minutes
Dead Bits
about 6 hours
Dead Effect
0% (0 of 61) about 2 hours
about 6 hours
Deadly Days
17% (9 of 53) about 3 hours
Death's Maze
66% (4 of 6) 29 minutes
Defend The Highlands
3% (1 of 40) 38 minutes
Dino D-Day
19% (14 of 77) about 4 hours
Dirty Bomb
33% (25 of 77) about 47 hours
Disco Time 80s VR
1 minute
39% (12 of 31) about 1 hour
Dota 2
26 minutes
Drawful 2
40% (4 of 10) 32 minutes
Element TD 2
0% (0 of 456) about 1 hour
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
about 1 hour
Endless Sky
about 1 hour
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition
0% (0 of 93) 6 minutes
54% (6 of 11) about 17 hours
Euro Truck Simulator
about 3 hours
Evolve Stage 2
about 3 hours
F.E.A.R. 3
6% (3 of 50) about 2 hours
Face of Mankind
about 1 hour
Fishing Adventure
11 minutes
Fistful of Frags
0% (0 of 20) 1 minute
Floating Point
22 minutes
Fractured Space
36% (12 of 34) about 15 hours
Friday the 13th: The Game
10% (5 of 53) about 2 hours
Frozen Hearth
about 4 hours
Game Tycoon 1.5
5 minutes
Gems of the Aztecs
about 2 hours
Geometric Feel the Beats
5% (1 of 22) 8 minutes
58% (18 of 31) about 6 hours
Governor of Poker 3
49% (15 of 31) about 2 hours
Gray Zone Warfare
about 1 hour
Guardian's Oath
34% (4 of 12) about 2 hours
Gun Monkeys
38% (3 of 8) about 2 hours
Guns and Robots
15% (10 of 69) about 3 hours
Guns of Icarus Online
3% (17 of 849) about 16 hours
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
9% (4 of 46) about 2 hours
Hacker Evolution Duality
12% (1 of 9) 14 minutes
Harvest Seasons
13% (53 of 428) about 5 hours
about 2 hours
Head Shot
35 minutes
Heaven Forest NIGHTS
0% (0 of 24) about 5 hours
Heavy Metal Machines Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
Heli Heroes
5 minutes
Heroes & Generals
29 minutes
Humanity Asset
0% (0 of 38) about 4 hours
Hyperdrive Massacre
0% (0 of 34) 15 minutes
Idle Bouncer
41% (9 of 22) about 14 hours
Idle Cave Miner
45% (8 of 18) about 18 hours
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
? about 1 hour
Idle Spiral
13% (4 of 32) about 4 hours
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
21 minutes
about 1 hour
Infestation: The New Z
8% (5 of 64) about 16 hours
0% (0 of 17) 5 minutes
0% (0 of 12) about 7 hours
Iron Snout
17% (6 of 37) 30 minutes
JASEM: Just Another Shooter with Electronic Music
16% (3 of 19) about 2 hours
Just Fishing
3% (1 of 46) 28 minutes
Knights and Merchants
about 4 hours
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
18% (7 of 40) about 1 hour
Layers of Fear (2016)
0% (0 of 27) about 2 hours
Lead and Gold - Gangs of the Wild West
4% (3 of 81) about 1 hour
Lethal League
0% (0 of 23) about 1 hour
Line of Sight
3% (12 of 408) about 1 hour
22% (6 of 28) about 3 hours
Logic World
6 minutes
Luna Online: Reborn
about 2 hours
about 1 hour
Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare
about 1 hour
Max Gentlemen
16 minutes
Merger 3D Won on SteamGifts
5 minutes
Midas Gold Plus
44% (10 of 23) about 396 hours
Mighty Party
28% (8 of 29) about 3 hours
Miner Wars 2081
0% (0 of 12) about 1 hour
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
5 minutes
Monsti Won on SteamGifts
4 minutes
9% (8 of 98) about 8 hours
1 minute
Neon Prism
44% (7 of 16) about 1 hour
6 minutes
15% (9 of 61) about 53 hours
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
about 4 hours
0% (0 of 80) 11 minutes
Once Human
about 2 hours
Only If
10% (1 of 10) about 1 hour
9 minutes
66% (80 of 121) about 44 hours
56% (55 of 97) about 45 hours
Planetary Annihilation
0% (0 of 19) about 8 hours
PlanetSide 2
about 4 hours
Project Genesis
10% (1 of 10) about 1 hour
28% (6 of 22) about 1 hour
Real Pool 3D - Poolians
about 8 hours
Realm of the Mad God Exalt
20% (6 of 31) about 12 hours
Rec Room
about 1 hour
12 minutes
Rise of Industry
4% (1 of 27) 15 minutes
0% (0 of 43) about 1 hour
Sacrifice Dungeon Won on SteamGifts
7 minutes
37 minutes
9% (9 of 100) about 3 hours
Sanctum 2
14% (7 of 50) about 4 hours
SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer
18% (7 of 41) about 1 hour
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn
3% (1 of 43) 10 minutes
5 minutes
Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic) February 2022 Acquisitions
16 minutes
Slingshot people
about 2 hours
Sonic CD
9% (1 of 12) 10 minutes
Space Hack
6 minutes
Spiral Knights
38% (20 of 54) about 9 hours
Star Conflict
1% (1 of 213) about 5 hours
Storm United
7 minutes
Street Racing Syndicate
about 2 hours
Strike.is: The Game
2 minutes
SuchArt! March 2023 Acquisitions
6% (2 of 37) 39 minutes
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
about 4 hours
Sven Co-op
about 1 hour
Tactical Intervention
10% (11 of 112) about 25 hours
Tank Force: Online Shooter Game
about 2 hours
Tanki X
0 minutes
Tap Adventure: Time Travel
41% (47 of 116) about 64 hours
The Blackout Club March 2023 Acquisitions
36% (5 of 14) about 1 hour
The Culling
20% (4 of 20) about 1 hour
The Cycle: Frontier
about 10 hours
The Elder Scrolls: Legends
about 5 hours
The Fishing Club 3D
9% (4 of 47) about 5 hours
theHunter Classic
0% (0 of 170) about 5 hours
Three Days
about 2 hours
Titan Souls
4% (1 of 27) 21 minutes
6% (6 of 106) about 8 hours
8% (1 of 14) about 1 hour
Tribes: Ascend
about 19 hours
Tropico 3
about 1 hour
7% (3 of 44) about 1 hour
Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade
18 minutes
Uriel's Chasm
about 3 hours
Uriel's Chasm 2: את
about 2 hours
Visionarium 2 - The Descent
60% (3 of 5) 3 minutes
Warface: Clutch
0% (0 of 67) about 7 hours
10% (18 of 193) about 15 hours
about 2 hours
0% (0 of 5) about 4 hours
Woodle Tree Adventures
0% (0 of 8) about 3 hours
about 6 hours
Yet Another Zombie Defense
50% (9 of 18) about 3 hours
Z1 Battle Royale
1 minute
52% (9 of 17) about 1 hour
ΔV: Rings of Saturn
? 7 minutes