Never played 124 games

Access Denied: Escape

0 of 14 achievements (0%)

Alwa's Awakening

POP - Medium
0 of 15 achievements (0%)

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

POP - Short
0 of 7 achievements (0%)

An Arcade Full of Cats

16 of 40 achievements (40%)

Angels of Death

not for me/mine
no achievements


POP - Short
0 of 22 achievements (0%)

Ashina: The Red Witch

not for me/mine
0 of 43 achievements (0%)

Astro Colony

no achievements

Axiom Verge 2

POP - Long/Very Long
0 of 28 achievements (0%)

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

0 of 26 achievements (0%)

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials

POP - Medium
0 of 50 achievements (0%)

Batman: Arkham Knight

Play or Pay - Challenged To Play With A Better Computer
0 of 113 achievements (0%)

Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series

POP - Medium
0 of 30 achievements (0%)

Batman™: Arkham VR

To Play With A Better Computer
0 of 13 achievements (0%)

Bendy and the Dark Revival

POP - Medium
0 of 38 achievements (0%)

Beyond the Long Night

1 of 53 achievements (2%)

Bing in Wonderland

POP - Medium
0 of 68 achievements (0%)

Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince

0 of 20 achievements (0%)

Boris and the Dark Survival

POP - Short
no achievements

Cat in the Box

Games Nice People Have Given Me not for me/mine
0 of 8 achievements (0%)


POP - Medium
0 of 21 achievements (0%)

Cats Hidden in Paris

0 of 101 achievements (0%)

Chenso Club

0 of 26 achievements (0%)

Creepy Tale

not for me/mine
0 of 13 achievements (0%)

Creepy Tale 2

not for me/mine
0 of 15 achievements (0%)

Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance

not for me/mine
0 of 33 achievements (0%)

Dead by Daylight

no achievements


0 of 17 achievements (0%)


0 of 14 achievements (0%)

Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™

POP - Medium
0 of 30 achievements (0%)

Don't Be Afraid

0 of 26 achievements (0%)

Don't Touch this Button!

0 of 13 achievements (0%)

Doomed Lands

0 of 56 achievements (0%)


0 of 30 achievements (0%)


POP - Long/Very Long
0 of 47 achievements (0%)

Escape First Alchemist

0 of 10 achievements (0%)

Escape From Mystwood Mansion

0 of 20 achievements (0%)

Escape Memoirs: Mansion Heist

0 of 19 achievements (0%)

Eternal Threads

POP - Medium
0 of 10 achievements (0%)

Fall of Porcupine

POP - Medium
0 of 19 achievements (0%)

Feather Of Praying 羽翼的祈愿

Challenge Me Games Nice People Have Given Me not for me/mine
0 of 19 achievements (0%)

Flynn: Son of Crimson

POP - Short
0 of 22 achievements (0%)


0 of 115 achievements (0%)

Ghost 1.0

POP - Medium
0 of 119 achievements (0%)


POP - Medium
4 of 47 achievements (9%)

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

no achievements

Half-Life Deathmatch: Source

no achievements

Havsala: Into the Soul Palace

POP - Medium
0 of 21 achievements (0%)

Helheim Hassle

POP - Medium
0 of 41 achievements (0%)

HIDDEN CATS: The last of cats

0 of 17 achievements (0%)

Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.8 Matsuribayashi

POP - Medium VN
0 of 14 achievements (0%)

Hiveswap Friendsim

no achievements

Honey, I Joined a Cult

no achievements

How 2 Escape

0 of 26 achievements (0%)

Kraken Academy!!

0 of 48 achievements (0%)


Challenge Me POP - Short
0 of 25 achievements (0%)

Later Alligator

POP - Medium
1 of 14 achievements (8%)

Lords and Villeins

no achievements

Lost in Play

0 of 19 achievements (0%)

Lost Ruins

POP - Medium
0 of 40 achievements (0%)

Machinika Museum

no achievements

May's Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville Remastered

no achievements

Meeple Station

POP - Long/Very Long
0 of 22 achievements (0%)


0 of 26 achievements (0%)

Minute of Islands

POP - Short
0 of 17 achievements (0%)

Misao - 2024 HD Remaster

not for me/mine
0 of 21 achievements (0%)

Monorail Stories

0 of 26 achievements (0%)

My Big Sister

not for me/mine
0 of 28 achievements (0%)

My Big Sister: Remastered

not for me/mine
0 of 30 achievements (0%)

Mystik Belle

POP - Short
0 of 15 achievements (0%)

Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor

1 of 34 achievements (3%)

Nurse Love Syndrome

POP - Medium VN
0 of 13 achievements (0%)

Nyakori's Rabbit Doll

not for me/mine
0 of 7 achievements (0%)


Challenge Me
0 of 11 achievements (0%)

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

not for me/mine
no achievements

Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

not for me/mine
0 of 38 achievements (0%)

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD

not for me/mine
0 of 36 achievements (0%)

Odyssey - The Invention of Science

POP - Short
0 of 7 achievements (0%)

One More Island

0 of 57 achievements (0%)

Our World Is Ended.

POP - Long/Very Long VN
0 of 40 achievements (0%)


0 of 21 achievements (0%)


Challenge Me not for me/mine
0 of 58 achievements (0%)

Prey: Typhon Hunter

not for me/mine
0 of 10 achievements (0%)

Raven's Hike

POP - Short
0 of 16 achievements (0%)

Recipe for Disaster

no achievements


0 of 10 achievements (0%)

Regular Factory: Escape Room

Played 2023 POP - Short
0 of 5 achievements (0%)


POP - Medium
0 of 40 achievements (0%)

Resident Evil 7

not for me/mine
0 of 58 achievements (0%)


0 of 17 achievements (0%)

Rover Mechanic Simulator

POP - Short
0 of 30 achievements (0%)

Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask

POP - Short
no achievements


0 of 44 achievements (0%)


POP - Medium
0 of 42 achievements (0%)

Season of Mystery : The Cherry Blossom Murders

not for me/mine
0 of 15 achievements (0%)

Sir Lovelot

0 of 20 achievements (0%)


POP - Medium
0 of 27 achievements (0%)


0 of 31 achievements (0%)


POP - Short
0 of 33 achievements (0%)

Supraland Six Inches Under

POP - Medium
0 of 53 achievements (0%)


0 of 27 achievements (0%)

Tales of Escape

0 of 16 achievements (0%)

Tales of the Black Forest

not for me/mine
0 of 15 achievements (0%)

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters

Challenge Me POP - Short VN
0 of 35 achievements (0%)

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

0 of 30 achievements (0%)

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes - Friend's Pass

no achievements

The Eternal Cylinder

POP - Medium
0 of 12 achievements (0%)

The Quarry

POP - Medium
0 of 40 achievements (0%)

The Sims™ 4

no achievements

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

Challenge Me Play or Pay - Challenged
0 of 30 achievements (0%)

The Walking Dead: The Final Season

POP - Medium
0 of 48 achievements (0%)

Those Who Remain

POP - Medium
0 of 14 achievements (0%)

Time on Frog Island

POP - Short
0 of 35 achievements (0%)


POP - Short
0 of 52 achievements (0%)

We Were Here Forever

0 of 39 achievements (0%)

What Lies in the Multiverse

POP - Short
0 of 43 achievements (0%)

Whispering Willows

0 of 20 achievements (0%)

Wordle 3

0 of 30 achievements (0%)

Wordle 4

0 of 100 achievements (0%)

Wounded - The Beginning

POP - Short
0 of 14 achievements (0%)

Yomawari: Midnight Shadows

POP - Medium
0 of 33 achievements (0%)

You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition

0 of 25 achievements (0%)

Yumeutsutsu Re:After

POP - Short VN
0 of 12 achievements (0%)

YumeUtsutsu Re:Master

POP - Medium VN
0 of 13 achievements (0%)