Unfinished 47 games

Game Achievements Playtime
Achron Windows only backlog (unfinished and "Borked" on ProtonDB or what I couldn't run myself)
0% (0 of 18) about 2 hours
Audiosurf "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
78% (15 of 19) about 97 hours
Besiege Won on SteamGifts
14% (7 of 50) about 4 hours
Codename Gordon
25 minutes
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
60% (27 of 45) about 29 hours
Crusader Kings II "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
0% (0 of 161) about 2 hours
DEFCON "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
5% (1 of 22) about 1 hour
Deus Ex: Invisible War
about 2 hours
Diadra Empty Shmups Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 20) about 5 hours
Disgaea 2 PC
11% (6 of 55) about 22 hours
DoDonPachi Resurrection Shmups To be played in foreseeable future
9% (9 of 100) 39 minutes
Dreamstones Won on SteamGifts
36% (9 of 25) about 10 hours
Duck Game "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
50% (9 of 18) about 26 hours
Dwarfs!? "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
49% (14 of 29) about 14 hours
Earth 2150 Trilogy
about 2 hours
Flying Red Barrel - The Diary of a Little Aviator Shmups To be played in foreseeable future
25% (4 of 16) about 2 hours
Goat Simulator "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games Won on SteamGifts
20% (25 of 127) about 4 hours
Gratuitous Space Battles "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
about 3 hours
28% (3 of 11) about 2 hours
Homeworld Remastered Collection
24% (8 of 34) about 5 hours
HoverRace "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
1 minute
Killing Floor "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
38% (107 of 285) about 128 hours
Killing Floor 2 "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
80% (246 of 307) about 591 hours
Mount & Blade
about 5 hours
Multiwinia "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
9% (1 of 12) about 4 hours
Papers, Please
16% (2 of 13) about 5 hours
Poly Bridge Won on SteamGifts
23% (5 of 22) about 7 hours
Race The Sun "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
56% (14 of 25) about 8 hours
Radiant Silvergun Shmups To be played in foreseeable future
17% (2 of 12) 21 minutes
Resurgence "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
34% (1 of 3) about 2 hours
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
0% (0 of 25) about 185 hours
Soldat "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
16 minutes
Space Hulk Ascension
12% (19 of 163) about 10 hours
STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Stardew Valley "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games Won on SteamGifts
45% (22 of 49) about 242 hours
Staxel "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games Won on SteamGifts
15% (4 of 28) about 4 hours
Super Hexagon "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
34% (2 of 6) about 4 hours
Supreme Commander
about 7 hours
System Shock 2
about 3 hours
Tabletop Simulator "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
4% (1 of 26) about 1 hour
Talisman: Digital Classic Edition "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
3% (6 of 255) about 22 hours
Touhou Mystia's Izakaya Currently playing
25% (35 of 141) about 9 hours
Tropico 4 Won on SteamGifts
16% (11 of 70) about 14 hours
Universe Sandbox Legacy "Unfinishable" and multiplayer games
38% (6 of 16) about 3 hours
about 13 hours
War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations
25% (7 of 28) about 5 hours
Wargame: European Escalation
0% (0 of 29) 40 minutes