Beaten 95 games

Game Achievements Playtime
A Boy and His Blob
24% (5 of 21) about 6 hours
A Story About My Uncle Won on SteamGifts
7% (1 of 15) about 3 hours
Alan Wake
77% (52 of 67) about 20 hours
Alice: Madness Returns Batch 6 completed!
about 17 hours
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Batch 1 completed!
? about 43 hours
Assassin's Creed Rogue
about 38 hours
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Batch 4 completed!
? about 58 hours
Assassin's Creed Unity
? about 84 hours
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
91% (43 of 47) about 16 hours
Batman: Arkham City GOTY Batch 1 completed!
82% (53 of 64) about 37 hours
Batman: Arkham Knight Batch 3 completed!
90% (102 of 113) about 83 hours
Batman: Arkham Origins Batch 2 completed!
60% (36 of 60) about 25 hours
Battle Chef Brigade Won on SteamGifts
80% (20 of 25) about 11 hours
BioShock Batch 3 completed! Won on SteamGifts
about 26 hours
BioShock 2 Batch 3 completed! Won on SteamGifts
80% (55 of 68) about 25 hours
BlackSmith HIT
56% (9 of 16) about 2 hours
91% (11 of 12) about 4 hours
18% (3 of 17) about 9 hours
Call of Duty: World at War
about 6 hours
Counter-Strike 2
? about 171 hours
Darksiders II
90% (45 of 50) about 54 hours
Dead Island Definitive Edition Batch 2 completed!
54% (31 of 57) about 32 hours
67% (21 of 31) about 4 hours
DOOM Batch 4 completed!
57% (31 of 54) about 30 hours
Escape Dead Island
78% (47 of 60) about 16 hours
Estranged: The Departure
15% (2 of 14) about 3 hours
Fallout: New Vegas Batch 1 completed!
97% (73 of 75) about 117 hours
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
81% (84 of 103) about 35 hours
Gone Home Batch 5 completed!
0% (0 of 10) about 2 hours
Grand Theft Auto III
0 minutes
Grand Theft Auto V
71% (55 of 77) about 276 hours
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Batch 4 completed! Won on SteamGifts
about 31 hours
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
about 14 hours
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
26 minutes
Homefront Batch 5 completed!
82% (39 of 47) about 24 hours
Hotline Miami Batch 2 completed!
85% (30 of 35) about 10 hours
How to Survive
55% (24 of 43) about 24 hours
40% (40 of 100) about 25 hours
Iron Storm
1 minute
It came from space and ate our brains
50% (29 of 57) about 7 hours
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered
59% (47 of 79) about 19 hours
Kentucky Route Zero Batch 2 completed! Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 24) about 7 hours
Left 4 Dead 2
29% (29 of 101) about 20 hours
about 6 hours
LIMBO Won on SteamGifts
92% (12 of 13) about 5 hours
Little Inferno Won on SteamGifts
? about 5 hours
Little Nightmares Batch 6 completed!
50% (11 of 22) about 6 hours
Lumino City
about 5 hours
51% (45 of 88) about 19 hours
Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet
64% (20 of 31) about 4 hours
Medal of Honor: Airborne
about 5 hours
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
92% (24 of 26) about 11 hours
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Batch 4 completed!
94% (70 of 74) about 38 hours
Mirror's Edge Batch 3 completed!
about 4 hours
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas Batch 1 completed!
98% (62 of 63) about 20 hours
Ori and the Blind Forest
74% (37 of 50) about 11 hours
Overlord Won on SteamGifts
about 27 hours
Overlord: Raising Hell
0 minutes
Papers, Please
47% (6 of 13) about 4 hours
PAYDAY: The Heist
18% (10 of 56) about 22 hours
Pillars of Eternity Batch 3 completed!
44% (21 of 48) about 63 hours
70% (19 of 27) about 3 hours
about 7 hours
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
about 11 hours
Rise of the Tomb Raider Batch 1 completed!
63% (91 of 143) about 56 hours
Rogue Legacy Batch 1 completed!
72% (21 of 29) about 26 hours
Rusty Lake Hotel
0% (0 of 23) about 2 hours
Saints Row 2
about 21 hours
Saints Row IV Won on SteamGifts
95% (70 of 73) about 58 hours
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
97% (44 of 45) about 23 hours
Saints Row: The Third
96% (80 of 83) about 46 hours
about 2 hours
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of The Persian Carpet Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Spec Ops: The Line
98% (49 of 50) about 9 hours
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ Batch 1 completed!
about 34 hours
Styx: Master of Shadows Batch 6 completed! Won on SteamGifts
90% (30 of 33) about 22 hours
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
about 2 hours
The Flame in the Flood Batch 2 completed!
34% (12 of 36) about 7 hours
The Miskatonic
about 2 hours
The Stanley Parable
80% (8 of 10) about 6 hours
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
0% (0 of 14) about 4 hours
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
about 48 hours
The Wolf Among Us Won on SteamGifts
85% (30 of 35) about 8 hours
Tomb Raider Batch 1 completed! Won on SteamGifts
72% (36 of 50) about 16 hours
Tomb Raider I Won on SteamGifts
about 17 hours
Tomb Raider II Won on SteamGifts
about 23 hours
62% (41 of 66) about 29 hours
Transistor Batch 1 completed! Won on SteamGifts
96% (32 of 33) about 14 hours
Uncanny Valley Won on SteamGifts
39% (7 of 18) about 3 hours
Undertale Won on SteamGifts
about 16 hours
85% (49 of 57) about 26 hours
Valiant Hearts: The Great War Batch 4 completed! Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
99% (192 of 193) about 3869 hours
Watch_Dogs Batch 6 completed!
about 46 hours