Beaten 87 games

Game Achievements Playtime
12 is Better Than 6 Beaten
84% (39 of 46) about 10 hours
1953 - KGB Unleashed Beaten
about 5 hours
Alan Wake Beaten
52% (35 of 67) about 20 hours
Amnesia: Rebirth Beaten Won on SteamGifts
65% (27 of 41) about 14 hours
Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can - Collector’s Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
Apothecarium: The Renaissance of Evil - Premium Edition Beaten Won on SteamGifts
about 8 hours
0 minutes
Batman: Arkham City GOTY Beaten Paused
70% (45 of 64) about 62 hours
0 minutes
Borderlands 3 Beaten
82% (67 of 81) about 173 hours
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Beaten
92% (58 of 63) about 605 hours
Cubetractor Beaten
69% (9 of 13) about 19 hours
Dark Souls II Beaten
60% (23 of 38) about 85 hours
DARQ Beaten Won on SteamGifts
30% (5 of 17) about 4 hours
Dawn of Magic 2 Beaten
about 25 hours
Dead Island Beaten Paused
87% (42 of 48) about 126 hours
Devil's Dare Beaten
31% (11 of 36) about 3 hours
DreadOut Beaten Won on SteamGifts
61% (26 of 42) about 9 hours
Dungeon Defenders Beaten Paused
34% (39 of 118) about 156 hours
Dungeon Siege 2
0 minutes
Dungeon Siege III Beaten
59% (32 of 54) about 49 hours
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Beaten
33% (33 of 100) about 33 hours
ELEX Beaten Won on SteamGifts
66% (33 of 50) about 120 hours
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition Beaten Won on SteamGifts
50% (29 of 58) about 20 hours
Epistory - Typing Chronicles Beaten Won on SteamGifts
78% (43 of 55) about 10 hours
Fairy Bloom Freesia Beaten Won on SteamGifts
92% (46 of 50) about 15 hours
Full Metal Furies Beaten Won on SteamGifts
94% (34 of 36) about 31 hours
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers Beaten Won on SteamGifts
98% (50 of 51) about 17 hours
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Beaten
10% (69 of 700) about 35 hours
Hero Siege Beaten
22% (20 of 93) about 93 hours
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Beaten
0 minutes
How to Survive Beaten
53% (23 of 43) about 33 hours
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Beaten
about 15 hours
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Beaten
0% (0 of 58) 0 minutes
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Beaten
0% (0 of 12) 0 minutes
Legend of Dungeon Beaten
0% (0 of 16) about 4 hours
Lethal Company
about 13 hours
0% (0 of 13) 0 minutes
Lumino City Beaten Won on SteamGifts
about 8 hours
Magicka Beaten Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 88) about 1 hour
Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition Beaten Won on SteamGifts
40% (11 of 28) about 2 hours
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Beaten Won on SteamGifts
81% (60 of 74) about 54 hours
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes Beaten Won on SteamGifts
92% (23 of 25) about 16 hours
Mortal Kombat X Beaten Won on SteamGifts
20% (14 of 73) about 7 hours
33% (9 of 28) about 8 hours
Narcissu 1st & 2nd Beaten
0% (0 of 5) about 2 hours
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Beaten
about 3 hours
Only If
40% (4 of 10) about 8 hours
Orcs Must Die! 2 Beaten
92% (25 of 27) about 93 hours
Path of Exile Beaten
50% (64 of 127) about 453 hours
Peggle Extreme
about 3 hours
Plague Inc: Evolved Playing
23% (53 of 234) about 24 hours
85% (23 of 27) about 34 hours
Puzzle Agent Beaten Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Q.U.B.E. 2 Beaten Won on SteamGifts
49% (14 of 29) about 7 hours
Quantum Conundrum Beaten Won on SteamGifts
48% (12 of 25) about 11 hours
Rogue Legacy Beaten
72% (21 of 29) about 84 hours
Runaway: A Twist of Fate Beaten
0 minutes
Sacred Citadel Beaten
35% (12 of 35) about 7 hours
Saints Row 2 Beaten Won on SteamGifts
about 56 hours
Saira Beaten
about 10 hours
Sakura Angels Beaten Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Savant - Ascent Beaten
0% (0 of 14) about 6 hours
Serena Beaten
about 1 hour
Shadow Warrior Beaten
63% (58 of 92) about 25 hours
Silence Beaten Won on SteamGifts
80% (37 of 46) about 12 hours
Silver Chains Beaten Won on SteamGifts
87% (14 of 16) about 5 hours
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Beaten
9% (2 of 24) about 2 hours
Steel Rats Beaten Won on SteamGifts
95% (44 of 46) about 18 hours
Styx: Master of Shadows Beaten Won on SteamGifts
93% (31 of 33) about 60 hours
Sundered: Eldritch Edition Beaten Won on SteamGifts
80% (16 of 20) about 27 hours
Terraria Beaten Playing Won on SteamGifts
16% (18 of 115) about 174 hours
The Binding of Isaac Beaten Paused
29% (28 of 99) about 38 hours
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Beaten
66% (50 of 75) about 338 hours
The Expendabros
about 1 hour
The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™ Beaten
45% (12 of 27) about 62 hours
The Whispered World Special Edition Won on SteamGifts
65% (13 of 20) about 19 hours
Thief Gold Beaten
about 59 hours
Tomb Raider I Beaten Won on SteamGifts
about 35 hours
Torchlight II Beaten Playing
91% (109 of 119) about 554 hours
Trine 2 Beaten
54% (53 of 97) about 18 hours
Umbrella Corps Beaten Won on SteamGifts
5% (2 of 41) about 8 hours
Uncanny Valley Beaten Won on SteamGifts
28% (5 of 18) about 6 hours
Unepic Beaten Paused
27% (15 of 57) about 72 hours
VVVVVV Beaten Won on SteamGifts
11% (2 of 19) about 6 hours
World of Goo Beaten
0% (0 of 8) 0 minutes
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games Beaten Won on SteamGifts
32% (12 of 38) about 43 hours