Borderlands GOTY
53 hours playtime
41 of 80 achievements
4 hours playtime
11 of 12 achievements
Castle Crashers
14 hours playtime
6 of 12 achievements
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
22 minutes playtime
no achievements
Crazy Chicken
4 minutes playtime
no achievements
Dead Island
29 hours playtime
23 of 48 achievements
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
4 hours playtime
0 of 30 achievements
7 hours playtime
11 of 12 achievements
GabeN: The Final Decision
6 hours playtime
11 of 13 achievements
Game Dev Tycoon
32 hours playtime
32 of 35 achievements
Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year
19 hours playtime
10 of 21 achievements
12 hours playtime
12 of 15 achievements
Portal 2
21 hours playtime
41 of 51 achievements
Portal Knights
59 hours playtime
27 of 40 achievements
Prison Architect
24 hours playtime
queued for sync
Rocket League
252 hours playtime
queued for sync
5 hours playtime
9 of 12 achievements
SteamWorld Dig
6 hours playtime
16 of 24 achievements
Sword 'N' Board
14 hours playtime
no achievements
5 hours playtime
1 of 19 achievements