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0 of 147 achievements (0%)

$1 Ride

no achievements

12 Labours of Hercules

0 of 22 achievements (0%)

12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull

0 of 22 achievements (0%)

16bit Trader

0 of 16 achievements (0%)

1914: Prelude to Chaos

no achievements

1953: NATO vs Warsaw Pact

no achievements


0 of 20 achievements (0%)


0 of 6 achievements (0%)

A Detective's Novel

no achievements

A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess

0 of 100 achievements (0%)

A.I. Invasion

0 of 25 achievements (0%)

Through Abandoned: The Underground City

0 of 5 achievements (0%)