La Volpe’s profile

Welcome to my profile!

February 2025 Report!

Here goes the shortest month of the year!
Most of my time was spent with Dead Estate, and I’m still not finished with it! 6 more endings and I’ll mark it done.
AploVVare Collection added more games so it returns to Beaten yet again.

Bonus stats!
Number of games finished this month: 7
Number of games added to account: 4

January 2025 Report!

New year, new slay! Nothing major this month, just backlog games, Secret Santa Snowballs, and two games I bought last Winter sale.

Bonus stats! Removed some free games I never played, I have quite a lot of those in my backlog. Likely will remove more later.
Number of games finished this month: 14
Number of free games removed from account: 20
Number of games added to account: 15

December 2024 Report!

Happy New Year!
December was quite a busy month for me so not many games played, but still had fun!
Saints Row was a surprise, expected a dumpster fire but it was good! Even a decent Saints Row. Still has some issues, but not enough to make me not enjoy it.
Also replayed Little Nightmares and completely finished its DLCs! I watched the DLCs on YouTube before, but it was nice revisiting them.

Bonus stats! A ton of Secret Santa Snowballs/Christmas Gifts were thrown at me. 2025 will be even busier when it comes to backlog slaying.
Number of games finished this month: 5
Number of games added to account: 26

November 2024 Report!

Prepare-for-Christmas month is finally over! And a few games done with it too.
Finally finished Mass Effect Legendary Edition! All 3 games and their DLCs. Took 3 months, but it was a fun 3 months! Also finished the book Mass Effect: Revelation because why not. I have Andromeda left, but I’ll start it next year.
I felt burned out after it, so played smaller or simpler games for the rest of the month. Except for Death’s Gambit, felt like playing a Metroidvania/Souls-like, enjoyable!

Bonus stats! At least I finished more than I added, by a bit.
Number of games finished this month: 11
Number of games added to account: 10

October 2024 Report!

Boo! Scariest month of the year went by, but I was more scared of the amount of unfinished games I added to my backlog :P Played a few games for a very secret organization I can’t disclose the name of (Hint: Check Steam’s homepage in 4 - 11 November!), so new games to play later!
Also done with Mass Effect 2 and halfway through Mass Effect 3! Other games I finished were nice and short breaks from ME, enjoyed pureya a lot especially ^_^

September 2024 Report!

A month went by and with it a few games off the backlog! Somewhat a slow month but still played quite a few games.
Finished Mass Effect 1 and a few missions of 2, but taking a break to not burn myself out.
AploVVare Collection also added 3 new games which I finished, so Beaten again!

August 2024 Report!

Thanks to Cece, Zelrune and others, I’m back after a 2 years hiatus with another post! Mostly as an my emotional support post for Zel :P
Lots of games done. A gift, some wins, a few freebies, all enjoyable!
Also started Mass Effect! EA App is the main deterrent to my playing, but I’m too stubborn to delete 110 GB of data because of a crappy software.


August Report!

Played a lot of games, and finished most of them!

Resonance of the Ocean

0.8 hours, 5 of 5 achievements

Good game with lovely art style. Story is sort of vague at first and puzzles are just combining items and figuring out the order of them to play a sound. It's free and short, worth playing!

Ballads at Midnight

8.4 hours, 14 of 14 achievements

A great visual novel! Characters, story, art, world-building, all are done wonderfully! And it's free! Maybe because it was made in a game jam. If you like visual novels, give this a try.

The Walking Dead

17.2 hours, 48 of 48 achievements

I got the 400 Days DLC so installed it again to play it! DLC is not bad, stories are nice, although it would be better if it was longer to know the characters better.

A Building Full of Cats

1.7 hours, 21 of 21 achievements

It's about a building full of cats :P I haven't played hidden object games in a long time. It's actually nice! Art is very lovely, and finding cats in obscure locations is fun. I just wish it had more than one hint, a few cats are hard to find. It's relaxing and it has cats, that should be enough reasons to get the game ^_^


5.5 hours, no achievements

The original, 2006 Prey. I'm certainly Sold Out on this game :P CD Keys were generated on another distribution system, and they eventually ran out. Game is good, it had some original ideas and it's fun to play even today. It's a bit short but it doesn't get repetitive. Obviously it's a lot different than Prey 2017, but if you like old school FPS games, it's a good experience!


4.8 hours, 23 of 28 achievements

Fox game! And an amazing game! It's very well-made, and you can say it's made with lots of love behind it. Unfortunately it released with Stray at the same day, so it didn't get the recognition it deserved. It's short and might not be worth it for the asking price, but get it if you got the chance!

Tomb Raider: Legend

7.7 hours, no achievements

The first Tomb Raider remake made by Crystal Dynamics. It has a good balance between action and adventure, and both puzzles and action sequences are fun to play. It doesn't have anything new and groundbreaking to offer, but it still does a good job with what it has. Sadly the PC port is terrible, it crashes a lot, has screen tearing, texture flickering, and next gen improvements breaks the game sometimes. If you can put up with that, it's a nice experience.

Streets Of Kamurocho

0.5 hours, no achievements

Part of Sega' 60th anniversary. It's a mix of Yakuza and Streets of Rage. It's short and only has one level, but I don't expect much from a promotional video game.


31.9 hours, 59 of 78 achievements

Rhythm games! I like them. It's a great game with fantastic soundtrack!

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

2.1 hours, 0 of 45 achievements

Since I didn't play fighting games for quite some time, it was hard to get into the game. But tutorial is very helpful! I'll play it again later.

The Walking Dead: Season Two

1.9 hours, 7 of 40 achievements

I actually finished the game at the time of writing this, so next month? :P

Backlog Slaying Continues!

I might not have much time around the end of the month, but I'll try to enjoy my time as best as I can! Hope you have a good month! 🧡

July Report!

I skipped making an header because it takes some time, and the fact that I might be a bit lazy :P July wasn’t bad, I playtested more than I played games ^^” but it was still fun. Bright Paw also added more content so it went from Completed to Beaten. Have tons of games to play, hopefully I can at least give them a try >_>

Resident Evil 2

28.2 hours, 32 of 44 achievements

One of the best remakes! Capcom used RE Engine to its best, it looks nice and plays nice!
The only issue I had is that Claire/Leon B doesn't feel like a continuity, more like an alternative to main narration.
If you still didn't play it, put it above your backlog! ^_^


5.2 hours, 18 of 23 achievements

A very lighthearted and nice game! Combat is simple, but other things make up for it. I like most things about the game, narrative, puzzles, visuals, etc. Musical elements used is very cool as well!
Can't wait for Figment 2 Creed Valley!

Blue Fire

1.5 hours, 1 of 22 achievements

From what I played, it's a good game! You can say it's a mix of The Legend of Zelda, Prince of Persia and Souls-like games, more The Legend of Zelda due to visuals and other things. I'll play more later!

Cyber Hook

3.7 hours, 13 of 22 achievements

Fast-paced and fun game! Very focused on speedrunning.

August Begins!

Tons of games, tons of energy, and hopefully tons of time! Have an awesome month! 🧡

May Report!

I didn’t play many things, but still.

The First Tree

8 hours, 14 of 14 achievements

100%! Good game with nice story.


6 hours, 20 of 20 achievements

Retro horror game! A bit short but enjoyable.

Dawn of Magic 2

1.0 hours, no achievements

Janky but it's interesting! Seems to have a lot of depth.

Back To Present!

Planning to beat my SG wins in two months, should be possible! Also have a good month 🧡