Beaten 13 games

Game Achievements Playtime
1993 Space Machine Bugged Achievements Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 10) about 2 hours
26% (13 of 50) about 13 hours
Destiny or Fate Bugged Achievements
60% (14 of 23) about 22 hours
Eldest Souls Won on SteamGifts
54% (27 of 50) about 10 hours
Gordian Quest
about 59 hours
Hero Siege
36% (32 of 89) about 36 hours
Heroes of Hammerwatch
20% (22 of 114) about 40 hours
89% (57 of 64) about 98 hours
One Finger Death Punch
78% (119 of 152) about 38 hours
Tales of Symphonia
49% (19 of 39) about 101 hours
46% (30 of 66) about 49 hours
Vampire Survivors
90% (190 of 211) about 43 hours
VVVVVV Won on SteamGifts
48% (9 of 19) about 8 hours